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Grenade that deploys the Coalition Gatling Drone.
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Author:  ALPB [ Sun Mar 18, 2012 1:46 am ]
Post subject:  Grenade that deploys the Coalition Gatling Drone.

Could some one do a turret deploy grenade? i've tryed to do it my self but i lack skills in doing anything, even thru i've allready done an actor, and 2 weapons for my use only.
Well i've been thinking. I played Mass Effect 3 for 5 days and the Cerberus combat engineer with hes turrets is awesome, and i thinked... it would be awesome to have an deploy-able turret for Cortex Command.
Well if any one could do a grenade or kit or something that deployed the Coalition Gatling Drone (the one that dont move) it would be grate!
Thanks in advance.

PS: I'm from Brazil.

Author:  lucariokiller [ Sat Apr 21, 2012 5:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grenade that deploys the Coalition Gatling Drone.

see the punisher

Author:  Asklar [ Sun Apr 22, 2012 10:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grenade that deploys the Coalition Gatling Drone.

Well, you can do it with ini or with lua.

In the ini way, you make a grenade that gibs the actor. You can use this method to spawn anything.
The pro of this is that it's very easy; the con is that you won't be able to control much things about this, like the team of the turret or where will it land, etc.

If you want to do it with the lua script, it's a little bit more complex, but you will be able to customize it a lot.

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