Data Realms Fan Forums

lucario mod
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Author:  lucariokiller [ Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:27 pm ]
Post subject:  lucario mod

please,some one help me and do a lucario mod?
here there are sprites:

File comment: sprites here
Custom_Lucario_Sprites_by_UMSAuthorLava.png [ 86.51 KiB | Viewed 7764 times ]

Author:  lucariokiller [ Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: lucario mod


Author:  Dauss [ Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: lucario mod

Alright alright I was going to wait for someone else to say it but I guess I'll have to.

You want someone to make you a mod. That's fine, you even provided a sprite sheet lifted from a no doubt intense google image search. Now here's what you did wrong:

1. You have not provided a description of what you want the mod to do, exactly. This may seem apparent to you ("I want it to do pokemon stuff!") but really is not that apparent to anyone who might be tempted to do the work for you. Provide detailed descriptions ("I'd like a beam attack, or something like an energy ball attack.") or any potential modder will immediately be disinterested in helping you.

2. You want someone to make you a pokemon mod. Trust me when I say you would be better off asking for something entirely ridiculous, like say, gun toting Nazi Apes. There are just certain things that don't get done very often around here, requests related to other video games like halo or pokemon being commonly ignored.

3. You also appear to be asking for the mod to be built for an outdated version of the game, from 2 builds ago. This is MOST DEFINITELY not going to happen. In fact I'm having sneaking suspicions you may have illicitly downloaded the game, as this is a very particular and odd request.

4. You have named yourself after the mod you want and have not posted outside this topic. This leads me to believe we really need to beef up registration deterrents for people under the age of 12. But it also highlights another issue. You have not contributed to the community, yet you want something from it. Please, by all means, integrate outside of this particular subforum and make friends. This will push you leaps and bounds closer to your goal, as the rest of the community will gladly help you out if you only ask them politely, and have developed a bit of a repertoire with them. God knows none of my ideas would have seen the light of day if TLB didn't like me.

Now that it's been said, hello! I am one of the many fine forum moderators on staff, and if you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to send me, or any of the other moderators or administrators, a private message, and we'll do our best to alleviate them for you.

All the best,

- Dauss

Author:  Naxete [ Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: lucario mod

Always classy and polite, Dauss :lol: Don't change... anyway Banana republic
its one of my most favorite mods ever created for cortex, glad you requested it.

About this request: Just :roll: it is wrong at so many levels... even hard to believe!

Author:  lucariokiller [ Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: lucario mod

I don't understand all but......... :? (I'm french)


Author:  lucariokiller [ Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: lucario mod


Author:  LordVonKain [ Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: lucario mod

in short,

No one here like anime /pokemon (at least the modders)

You obviously just joined the community and asked for somthing.

you lack detail in what you want other than " make this plox"

to change this i would suggest 4 things.

1: interact with the community,
2: have constructed suggestions to few or a number of the current mods or mods in progress
3: have a go at coding it yourself, coding is simply Trial and error.
4:put a detailed explanation of what you want inside this mod, what you think would be fun to do.

using E-transaltion which will be Very poor

EDIT: just incase a few people may misunderstand me about the anime part, i simply mean people here may not like anime or may not like to mod / sprite different things from anime.
en bref,
Personne ici n'aiment l'anime /pokemon (au moins les modders)
Vous avez évidemment juste joint la communauté et avez demandé quelque chose.
vous manquez du détail dans ce que vous voulez autre que le " faites ce svp "
pour changer ceci je proposerais 4 choses.
1 : agissez l'un sur l'autre avec la communauté,
2 : a construit des suggestions à peu ou un certain nombre de mods courants ou les mods
3 en marche : ayez un attaquer au codage il vous-même, le codage est simplement d'essai et erreur.
4 : mettez une explication détaillée de ce que vous voulez à l'intérieur de ce mod, ce que vous pensez seriez amusement à faire.

Author:  lucariokiller [ Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: lucario mod

t'es francais? moi aussi!

ne me prends pa pour un fou si tu n'as rien ecrit en francais
car c'est peut-etre le traducteur.

Author:  Mehman [ Fri Dec 16, 2011 6:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: lucario mod

Il n'est pas français, il a utilisé une traduction automatique, c'est pour ça que c'est quasiment incompréhensible, voici une traduction plus correcte:

//début de la traduction:
Personne ici n'aime pokemon(en tout cas les moddeurs)
Tu as visiblement rejoint cette communauté pour demander quelque chose.
Tu n'es pas asses précis dans ta requête.
Je te suggère donc 4 choses:

1:implique toi dans la communauté
2:fais des suggestions constructives sur des mods existants ou en développement
3:essaie de coder par toi même
4:explique plus précisément ce que tu voudrais dans ce mod.

Cette traduction est automatique et de mauvaise qualité.
//fin de la traduction

Author:  lucariokiller [ Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: lucario mod

hmmokay :(

Author:  dragonxp [ Thu Feb 16, 2012 5:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: lucario mod

No idea what Mehman wrote, however, there is a rule of the thumb for requests:

If you ask for help to create the mod yourself, and ask us for assistance[which most of us gladly will] there will be a much greater chance of such a mod existing.

Author:  lucariokiller [ Mon Feb 20, 2012 7:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: lucario mod

i don't understand,sorry!

Author:  lucariokiller [ Mon Feb 27, 2012 9:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: lucario mod

'If you ask for help to create the mod yourself'yes!yes!!
but I tried to change colors but that don't work!
I just want if someone can make palette colors!
and Il'l make the rest of the mod myself!

Author:  Dex98 [ Wed Mar 07, 2012 6:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: lucario mod

lucariokiller wrote:
'If you ask for help to create the mod yourself'yes!yes!!
but I tried to change colors but that don't work!
I just want if someone can make palette colors!
and Il'l make the rest of the mod myself!

You can find them in the Base.rte

Author:  lucariokiller [ Thu Mar 08, 2012 12:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: lucario mod

DEX,I know how to make a mod,thanks!

that don't work! :sad:

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