Data Realms Fan Forums

AI or Jetpack AI fix/ Battle Droids
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Author:  Mr. Cake [ Tue Jan 25, 2011 11:17 pm ]
Post subject:  AI or Jetpack AI fix/ Battle Droids

What I wouldn't mind seeing is someone being able to get the AI from B23 into B24.

In B23, I could put a whole bunch of my guys in a conga line, in a room for back up once I run out of actors outside.
In B24, I put them in a conga line, start the skirmish, and they jetpack everywhere and kill and disarm each other. Hell, I can't even have a guy walk, shoot, or sit in front of one with out them jetpacking and killing another one of my guys.

I think it'd be fun-derful if someone knew how to make a quick fix.
Battle Droids from the prequel trilogy of Star Wars! I would love to have several of these cheap and expendable guys in my CC skirmishes :3 With the HK-47 and Boba Fett mods I'm surprised no one has tried to make it.

Author:  Mr. Cake [ Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: AI or Jetpack AI fix/ Battle Droids

Nonsequitorian wrote:
I think that they stand and wait neatly for death to await them better now then they ever have.

I just preferred it when the AI just stood there and fell down on there face to intimidate their enemies. :3

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