Data Realms Fan Forums

MMitems.txt requests
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Author:  Commandergrunt [ Fri Dec 24, 2010 11:43 pm ]
Post subject:  MMitems.txt requests

Could someone please make MMitems.txt files of these mods for using in CCMM?


i tried making them myself, but i keep getting the "Refering to Instance" error.

If anyone can make those for me or tell me what i have to do, please tell me.

I also tried making a custom skirmish game of invading AAL forces with the MMitems_AAL in the CCMM thread, but it gives me the same error.

This is my first thread and sorry if i dont speak english very well.

Edit: i get this "Refering to instance (missing item here) to copy from that hasn't ben defined!" with ALL the mods i try to use Mod Manager with. what am i missing?

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