Data Realms Fan Forums

Tiberium Bio bomb
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Author:  Crumpets [ Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:17 am ]
Post subject:  Tiberium Bio bomb

After browsing the tiberium mod thread, I thought it would be cool to see a dropship, like to drop crate, but made of tiberium and once it crashes down, tiberium starts to spread and, thus the proper tiberium mods effects take place, instead of the tiberium spawning on the map.
Would this be possible if the tiberium mod already has been?

If anyone were to make ths, it would be better for it to be commodore himself or someone who is allowed to use his code. :D

EDIT: Nevermind, seems I was blind as to what the real mod did.

Author:  PvtVain [ Thu Dec 23, 2010 1:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tiberium Bio bomb

Crumpets wrote:
After browsing the tiberium mod thread, I thought it would be cool to see a dropship, like to drop crate, but made of tiberium and once it crashes down, tiberium starts to spread and, thus the proper tiberium mods effects take place, instead of the tiberium spawning on the map.
Would this be possible if the tiberium mod already has been?

If anyone were to make ths, it would be better for it to be commodore himself or someone who is allowed to use his code. :D

The tiberium mod has a tiberium meteorite.

Author:  Crumpets [ Thu Dec 23, 2010 10:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tiberium Bio bomb


Blindness prevails.

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