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Two (Small?) Requests
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Author:  thesoupiest [ Sat Dec 18, 2010 12:03 am ]
Post subject:  Two (Small?) Requests

I would be very grateful if anyone were to help me with two hopefully small features of a weapon I would like to create.
I am interested in abstract firing angles and bullet tracking.

The topmost diagram displays what I mean by abstract firing angles. I am in need of a method to make a gun fire bullets out of two separate arcs rather than one.
The central and lower diagrams show what I would like in the bullet tracking aspect. I would like for the first bullet from a certain gun that connects with an enemy to "paint" it and designate it as the target of the following bullets. The tracking would ideally end after the target died, and the following bullet would then "paint" the next enemy. If possible, I would especially like for the tracking to only apply to a certain number of bullets following the "painter" shot. For example, the first bullet would connect, and then only four bullets afterward would track. The last bullet fired would ideally "re-paint" the target. This would allow for a continuous stream of fire on one target to be broken if something gets in the way.
An alternative and possibly easier method would be for the gun to somehow "know" the location of the closest enemy and have the bullets track it from there.

If possible, the two features should be able to work in conjunction with each other.
For the especially determined, this would ideally work with this mod, the first shot of a burst being the "painter" shot and the following shots of the burst being the "tracking" shots.

Author:  alphagamer774 [ Sat Dec 18, 2010 1:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Two (Small?) Requests

"mark" and "follow" bullets have been done. See CaveCricket's M16.

for Idea B it would see you need to make an AEmitter that has a wide arc of emission, then attach this to the front of the gun and make it fire when the trigger is pulled.

Author:  unwoundpath [ Sat Dec 18, 2010 1:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Two (Small?) Requests


Author:  Duh102 [ Sat Dec 18, 2010 1:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Two (Small?) Requests

Top design could also be accomplished with Lua, through clever use of vector algebra. In some ways easier and in some ways harder than with AEmitters.

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