Data Realms Fan Forums

Freeze time
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Author:  numgun [ Sat Jun 26, 2010 12:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Freeze time

I'm requesting a script that would allow the player to freeze time during a match, but still be able to look around and issue AI modes to his units. Would this be possible? As an example, if you have played Mass Effect, you can freeze the time and select your powers, order commands for your squad mates or change weapons during that time. This would work similar except you can only look around in observation mode, switch between units and assign AI modes for them, order stuff from space, but nothing else as the time is frozen.

Alternatively(if above is impossible) I'm requesting a slow-motion toggle script that slows time to 1/4 of normal timescale when Z button is pressed. When Z is pressed again, time would return to normal.

I guess these scripts can be bound to the brain or something, but the point is that they can be used anytime during the game.

Author:  Geti [ Sat Jun 26, 2010 2:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Freeze time

function Create(self)
self.isSlowed = false --switch var

function Update(self)
if self:GetController():IsState(3) and not self.isSlowed then
--NOTE: slowmo is bound to "MOVE RIGHT" for now, cant remember how to do specific keys (look at darkstorm for that)
 TimerMan.TimeScale = TimerMan.TimeScale / 100;
 TimerMan.DeltaTimeSecs = TimerMan.DeltaTimeSecs / 100;
 --if this works (untested) it should prevent the game from getting VERY choppy, and instead make everything beautifully slow.
 self.isSlowed = true;
if self:GetController():IsState(4) and self.isSlowed then
--unslowmo is bound to "MOVE LEFT"
 TimerMan.TimeScale = TimerMan.TimeScale * 100;
 TimerMan.DeltaTimeSecs = TimerMan.DeltaTimeSecs * 100;
 self.isSlowed = false;
Should work, but just air-typed, not sure if its typo free or if setting deltatime ingame works. This slows it to 1 percent speed, which should be more than enough for setting AI modes etc. No idea how the interface will respond though, as I said, I haven't tried it.

Author:  lafe [ Sat Jun 26, 2010 4:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Freeze time

when say the z key is down save all the velocitys for every mo and make all the mos jump back to place every step.

Author:  Contrary [ Sat Jun 26, 2010 9:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Freeze time

O.O That's the best idea I've heard in a looong time.

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