Data Realms Fan Forums

help a brother out
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Author:  Cmdr 5ir [ Tue May 25, 2010 1:01 am ]
Post subject:  help a brother out

I am making a gun for my C faction that uses two mags for more bullets. The problem is i can't figure out how to make the mag break into 2 mags when you reload, like the revolvers do.

Author:  none [ Tue May 25, 2010 1:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: help a brother out

ini way; would be an attached emitter emitting invisible particles where mag drops out. Set mag gibimpulselimit to 1.

If you just want to gib when it hits the ground then mag gibimpulselimit to 1.

or lua script attached to an emitter attached to gun way;

function Update(self)
for mag in MovableMan.Particles do
[tab] if mag.PresetName == "mag name here" then
[tab] [tab] mag:GibThis();
[tab] end

Should work, haven't tested any of it out. meh.

Author:  CCnewplayer [ Tue May 25, 2010 1:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: help a brother out

none wrote:
ini way; would be an attached emitter emitting invisible particles where mag drops out. Set mag gibimpulselimit to 1.

If you just want to gib when it hits the ground then mag gibimpulselimit to 1.

or lua script attached to an emitter attached to gun way;

function Update(self)
for mag in MovableMan.Particles do
[tab] if mag.PresetName == "mag name here" then
[tab] [tab] mag:GibThis();
[tab] end

Should work, haven't tested any of it out. meh.

No he wants one weapon with two mags.

Author:  linkfan23 [ Tue May 25, 2010 1:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: help a brother out

CCnewplayer wrote:

No he wants one weapon with two mags.

Which is exactly what none was explaining how to do. Since you can't have two magazines you need to have one magazine that gibs into two magzine sprites.

Author:  Cmdr 5ir [ Tue May 25, 2010 1:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: help a brother out

It doesn't work. here's the code
//Weapon name: Famas Assault Rifle

AddEffect = MOPixel
   PresetName = Mag gib
   Mass = 1.53
   Sharpness = 1
   HitsMOs = 1
   GetsHitByMOs = 0
   SpriteFile = ContentFile
      FilePath = C.rte/Guns/FamasAR/FARMag.bmp
   FrameCount = 1
   SpriteOffset = Vector
      X = -7
      Y = -5

AddEffect = MOPixel
   PresetName = FAR Bullet
   Mass = 1.5
   AirResistance = 0.02
   LifeTime = 700
   Sharpness = 31
   HitsMOs = 1
   GetsHitByMOs = 0
   Color = Color
      R = 234
      G = 153
      B = 28
   Atom = Atom
      Material = Material
         CopyOf = Bullet Metal
      TrailColor = Color
         R = 234
         G = 153
         B = 28
      TrailLength = 28

AddEffect = MOPixel
   CopyOf = FAR Bullet
   PresetName = FAR Tracer
   Mass = 1.58
   AirResistance = 0.02
   LifeTime = 710
   Sharpness = 30
   Color = Color
      R = 255
      G = 226
      B = 0
   Atom = Atom
      Material = Material
         CopyOf = Bullet Metal
      TrailColor = Color
         R = 255
         G = 226
         B = 0
      TrailLength = 40

// ROUND //

AddAmmo = Round
   PresetName = FAR Round
   ParticleCount = 1
   Particle = MOPixel
      CopyOf = FAR Bullet
   Shell = MOSParticle
      CopyOf = Casing
   FireVelocity = 132
   ShellVelocity = 10
   Separation = -4

AddAmmo = Round
   PresetName = FAR Tracer Round
   ParticleCount = 1
   Particle = MOPixel
      CopyOf = FAR Tracer
   Shell = MOSParticle
      CopyOf = Casing
   FireVelocity = 130
   ShellVelocity = 13
   Separation = -4   

// MAG //
AddAmmo = Magazine
   PresetName = FAR Magazine
   Mass = 3
   HitsMOs = 0
   GetsHitByMOs = 0
   SpriteFile = ContentFile
      FilePath = C.rte/Guns/FamasAR/FARMag.bmp
   FrameCount = 1
   SpriteOffset = Vector
      X = -2
      Y = -2
   EntryWound = AEmitter
      CopyOf = Dent Metal Light
   ExitWound = AEmitter
      CopyOf = Dent Metal Light
   AtomGroup = AtomGroup
      PresetName = Atom Group Null
      AutoGenerate = 1
      Material = Material
         CopyOf = Concrete
      Resolution = 0
      Depth = 0
   DeepGroup = AtomGroup
      PresetName = Atom Group Null
      AutoGenerate = 1
      Material = Material
         CopyOf = Concrete
      Resolution = 0
      Depth = 0
   DeepCheck = 0
   JointStrength = 200
   JointStiffness = 1
   JointOffset = Vector
      X = 0
      Y = -2
   ParentOffset = Vector
      X = 0
      Y = 2
   DrawAfterParent = 0
   RoundCount = 85
   RTTRatio = 9
   RegularRound = Round
      CopyOf = FAR Round
   TracerRound = Round
      CopyOf = FAR Tracer Round
   GibWoundLimit = 1
   GibImpulseLimit = 1
   AddGib = Gib
      GibParticle = MOPixel
         CopyOf = Mag gib
      Count = 2
      Spread = 2.25
      MaxVelocity = 1
      MinVelocity = 1

// DEVICE //

AddDevice = HDFirearm
   PresetName = Famas Assault Rifle
   AddToGroup = Weapons
   Description = This is future version of the FFL's Famas AR, uses two mags to give the gun eighty-six rounds, along with a fast firing rate, this gun one beast to fire, and reload.
   Mass = 10
   HitsMOs = 0
   GetsHitByMOs = 1
   SpriteFile = ContentFile
      FilePath = C.rte/Guns/FamasAR/FAR.bmp
   FrameCount = 1
   SpriteOffset = Vector
      X = -16
      Y = -5
   GoldCost = 195
   Buyable = 1
   EntryWound = AEmitter
      CopyOf = Dent Metal
   ExitWound = AEmitter
      CopyOf = Dent Metal
   AtomGroup = AtomGroup
      AutoGenerate = 1
      Material = Material
         CopyOf = Concrete
      Resolution = 2
      Depth = 0
   DeepGroup = AtomGroup
      AutoGenerate = 1
      Material = Material
         CopyOf = Concrete
      Resolution = 3
      Depth = 1
   DeepCheck = 0
   JointStrength = 200
   JointStiffness = 0.5
   JointOffset = Vector
      X = -8
      Y = 4
   DrawAfterParent = 0
   StanceOffset = Vector
      X = 2
      Y = 12
   SharpStanceOffset = Vector
      X = 3   //4 Looks good, but not practical to fight behind cover
      Y = 2.5   //2.5
   SupportOffset = Vector
      X = 2
      Y = 3
   SharpLength = 60
   Magazine = Magazine
      CopyOf = FAR Magazine
   Flash = Attachable
      CopyOf = Muzzle Flash Pistol
   FireSound = Sound
      AddSample = ContentFile
         FilePath = C.rte/Guns/FamasAR/FAR.wav
   EmptySound = Sound
      AddSample = ContentFile
         FilePath = C.rte/Guns/FamasAR/Click.wav
   ReloadStartSound = Sound
      AddSample = ContentFile
         FilePath = C.rte/Guns/FamasAR/RS.wav
   ReloadEndSound = Sound
      AddSample = ContentFile
         FilePath = C.rte/Guns/FamasAR/RE.wav
   RateOfFire = 1400
   ReloadTime = 1930
   FullAuto = 1
   FireIgnoresThis = 1
   ShakeRange = 15
   SharpShakeRange = 6
   NoSupportFactor = 3
   ParticleSpreadRange = 1.6
   ShellSpreadRange = 6
   ShellAngVelRange = 3
   MuzzleOffset = Vector
      X = 18
      Y = -1
   EjectionOffset = Vector
      X = 0
      Y = 0
   AddGib = Gib
      GibParticle = MOPixel
         CopyOf = Spark Yellow 1
      Count = 15
      Spread = 2.25
      MaxVelocity = 20
      MinVelocity = 8
   AddGib = Gib
      GibParticle = MOPixel
         CopyOf = Spark Yellow 2
      Count = 10
      Spread = 2.25
      MaxVelocity = 20
      MinVelocity = 8
   AddGib = Gib
      GibParticle = MOPixel
         CopyOf = Drop Oil
      Count = 20
      Spread = 2.25
      MaxVelocity = 10
      MinVelocity = 1

Author:  none [ Tue May 25, 2010 1:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: help a brother out

lol which one I posted 3 solutiuons

AddEffect = MOPixel <-- MOSRotating
PresetName = Mag gib
Mass = 1.53
Sharpness = 1
HitsMOs = 1
GetsHitByMOs = 0
SpriteFile = ContentFile
FilePath = C.rte/Guns/FamasAR/FARMag.bmp
FrameCount = 1
SpriteOffset = Vector
X = -7
Y = -5

Author:  Cmdr 5ir [ Tue May 25, 2010 1:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: help a brother out


Author:  Benpasko [ Tue May 25, 2010 2:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: help a brother out



Author:  Cmdr 5ir [ Tue May 25, 2010 2:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: help a brother out



Author:  lolinternets [ Tue May 25, 2010 2:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: help a brother out

Cmdr 5ir wrote:
We don't lock threads when they are solved--we just don't like it when people post garbage.

Author:  Lizardheim [ Tue May 25, 2010 9:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: help a brother out

You mean "They" and not "We" right? Because that's insinuating that you are part of the administration here.

Author:  411570N3 [ Tue May 25, 2010 9:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: help a brother out

I'm guessing 'we' as in this forum, as other forums may have different policies.

Author:  Lizardheim [ Tue May 25, 2010 10:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: help a brother out

But we don't lock things, the administration does.

Author:  411570N3 [ Tue May 25, 2010 11:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: help a brother out

I mean like: "We at DRL don't lock things."

Author:  Seraph [ Tue May 25, 2010 11:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: help a brother out

The lot of you will be the death of me one day. And then you'll get banned.

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