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Water Barrel...
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Author:  pandastar994 [ Sat Apr 10, 2010 2:29 am ]
Post subject:  Water Barrel...

I found a barrel sprite in the dumps and i want to make it COOL!!!

first i want it to be terrain and when you shoot it it drains water(blue particles like the sandbags)

File comment: THE BARREL!!!!!

of water!!!

Water Barrel.bmp [1.52 KiB]
Not downloaded yet

Author:  neroe23 [ Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Water Barrel...

Well it seems very do-able, a MOSRotating replacing the leaking particles by water ?
I'll work on it, MOSRotating are easy to do. (And maybe I'll improve tje sprite but I don't promise.)

Author:  pandastar994 [ Sat Apr 10, 2010 7:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Water Barrel...

I didnt make the sprite found it in sprite dump and it was tnt barrel and i took off the tnt part. So when ,if you can, get it done?

Author:  salt_1219 [ Sat Apr 10, 2010 8:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Water Barrel...

I will let you in on a secret, I made the sandbags a door so enemy actors could see them. And they have a invisible attachment to keep them from gibbing.

The sand is just a wound bleed. You can use my sandbags as a template, just change the sand color to blue, replace the bag sprite with the barrel and make some Gibs. Please give me credit if you use it :)

Author:  unwoundpath [ Sat Apr 10, 2010 8:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Water Barrel...

is these the sandbags?


nere the bottom?

Author:  pandastar994 [ Sat Apr 10, 2010 8:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Water Barrel...

thanks for the right to do it!!!! CREDIT TO:SALT!!!

I cant figure it out can you do the colors and the sandbags to barrels for me please?
ive tried and it makes a stupid looking barrel with white around it and its annoying the he!! out of me.

Author:  salt_1219 [ Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Water Barrel...

pandastar994 wrote:
I cant figure it out can you do the colors and the sandbags to barrels for me please?

under the wounds file in the sandbag.rte you need to look for the sand material and change the RGB values photoshop is good for finding the right ones. As I said in my reply to your PM if you send me that sprite I will see what I can do when I get home, no promises though.

Author:  salt_1219 [ Sun Apr 11, 2010 10:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Water Barrel...

Edit: sorry for the double post, suppose I could have just edited my last.

Okay its vary late and I'm vary tired.
This is Far from perfect, all I did was change some names, added the barrel sprite (which needs some work on its shading) and changed the sand bleeds to light blue.

The blue should be darker, it settles green for some weird reason, and the gibs all need to be changed as well as the sounds.

Anyway this should help you along. BTW shooting barrels is pretty fun.

File comment: This is still vary rough but playable
WaterBarrel.rte.rar [80.17 KiB]
Downloaded 136 times

Author:  unwoundpath [ Sun Apr 11, 2010 4:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Water Barrel...

salt_1219 wrote:
Edit: sorry for the double post, suppose I could have just edited my last.

Okay its vary late and I'm vary tired.
This is Far from perfect, all I did was change some names, added the barrel sprite (which needs some work on its shading) and changed the sand bleeds to light blue.

The blue should be darker, it settles green for some weird reason, and the gibs all need to be changed as well as the sounds.

Anyway this should help you along. BTW shooting barrels is pretty fun.

when it settels it gets mold :grin:

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