Data Realms Fan Forums

Medieval Group
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Author:  PlusEighteen [ Thu Mar 25, 2010 12:58 am ]
Post subject:  Medieval Group

This idea came to me in a dream
Some of the details are fuzzy since I waited so long but I'll fill in what didn't make sense with other things

White armor, heavy and strong, can only jump
Spawns with a shield and sword (sword could emit short range particles and only cut when the fire button is held), and a rod that shoots a short range ball of light that deals medium damage

Black robes, not very strong, can fly
Equipped with a staff that shoots balls of dark energy that deal heavy damage

Leather, stronger than the necromancer but not by much, runs faster, can only jump
Dual melee weapons, and a bow

Same as necromancer only blue/white, can fly
Can cast a shield like the shielder dummy weapon, only bigger and stronger (also crescent shaped,) also can do an aoe heal effect to teammates

In my dream they all dropped from the same mk1 dropship in order, but I was thinking a time machine drop pod would make more sense (like a phone booth [lol])

Author:  rjhw1 [ Thu Mar 25, 2010 1:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Medieval Group

We have knights we almost have a necromancer
and we have wizards, i couldent find them, but here is two of what you asked for. Please search harder.

Author:  Potatamoto [ Thu Mar 25, 2010 1:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Medieval Group

Melee master arms has some of the things your looking for. So for this sounds like you want a WoW mod though. (World of Warcraft) As for the wizard, search "Wizcorp" that's a great wizard mod.

Author:  CCnewplayer [ Thu Mar 25, 2010 1:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Medieval Group

Download MelleMasters WizCorp and CastleCreations 8)

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