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Help Requests
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Author:  Mantalizard [ Tue Mar 23, 2010 12:27 am ]
Post subject:  Help Requests

I may have been in the world of Cortex Command for a long time, but that doesn't mean that I'm good at it. I have a few requests for anyone willing to help me with my latest mods (which likely aren't going to be good enough for posting):
1) Making a Pheonix Soldier: I can't figure out how to make the soldier spawn another Pheonix Soldier when he's killed.. that is, when one dies, another one spawns from the body.
2) Getting soldiers to spawn with weapons (getting "AddInventory" to do something).
3) Respriting on the Pheonix Soldier, Rabid Wolf (ammunition for my Rabid Wolf Cannon), and Dwarves (I designed a new Faction).

I get the feeling that I'm doing something really stupid in the coding for these, I'm not very good at coding the game. Also, I'm just a really pitiful spriter... the Rabid Wolf looks like he has broken legs and several other disabilities. Anyone willing to take on any of these, please message me about it. Attached below is the current coding for the Pheonix Soldier.

File comment: It's easy to tell that this thing is a copy of the Browncoat Heavy, I wanted endurance on this soldier.
Pheonix.ini [20.09 KiB]
Downloaded 199 times

Author:  salt_1219 [ Tue Mar 23, 2010 1:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help Requests

zalo made a phoenix bot, that respawns at death just like you want your soldier to do.
as for the spawning with weapons if you look at the dummies ini code at the bottom commented out is the code for adding a weapon, and your right its AddInventory.
[tab] AddInventory = HDFirearm
[tab][tab] CopyOf = Gun
-this is where you would put your weapons name

I believe (and maybe wrong) that if you refer to items in base.rte you will not have to add include file path before refering to the item. (exact code for that escapes me at the moment) [tab]IncludeFile = Stuff.rte/Guns/Gun.ini -I think this is the code, your file path will be differnt

As for your sprite troubles contrary and crazymlc have a prety cool thread going for helping spriters, i suggest you post your work on it and let them give you some tips.

I hope this all helps you. -salt

Author:  Petethegoat [ Tue Mar 23, 2010 8:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help Requests

   AddGib = Gib
      GibParticle = AHuman
         CopyOf = Pheonix Soldier
      Offset = Vector
         X = 0
         Y = 0
      Count = 1
      Spread = 0

Copy/paste that, and whenever the Soldier is gibbed, one of his gibs will be him again.
However, if he is not gibbed, then he will just settle into the terrain. You could add a Lua script to circumvent this;
function Update(self)
   if Actor.Health == 0

[tab]ScriptPath = Corn.rte/Corn/Corn.lua

I'm pretty sure that should all work, but if you run into any problems, just say.

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