Data Realms Fan Forums

Clock tower
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Author:  CrazyMLC [ Sat Mar 20, 2010 9:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Clock tower

Anyone remember that old game Clock tower, where you're an orphan in a mansion being chased around by a midget with giant scissors?

I'd like to see a CC version of it, except playing as the scissor guy. Might want to keep it original and replace the scissor guy with a brute or something, but same general idea.

It could use a sort of fog of war so you didn't know where your 'prey' was at all times, but it would require a lot of AI for the girl to run away, etc.

Author:  Benpasko [ Sat Mar 20, 2010 11:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Clock tower

CrazyMLC wrote:
Anyone remember that old game Clock tower, where you're an orphan in a mansion being chased around by a midget with giant scissors?

I'd like to see a CC version of it, except playing as the scissor guy. Might want to keep it original and replace the scissor guy with a brute or something, but same general idea.

It could use a sort of fog of war so you didn't know where your 'prey' was at all times, but it would require a lot of AI for the girl to run away, etc.

That game was epic win, mang. I love knocking bookcases over onto him, good times.

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