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Sand bags
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Author:  salt_1219 [ Tue Feb 16, 2010 10:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Sand bags

I was just thinking about making bunker pieces, and I thought about sand bags.
Now I'm perfectly capable of making a sand bag actor that bleeds sand, and gibs sand, and bag parts. But can I make this without it being a actor, like a door is?
This may require sparkle magic or a more experienced modder, so I guess what I'm requesting here is..
A) is it even possible.
B) if so, some direction so I can work on it.
C) if there would even be any interest in having sandbag bunkers, walls, trenches, place-able items?

Author:  Petethegoat [ Tue Feb 16, 2010 10:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sand bags

If you want it to bleed sand, then your best bet is to use MOSRotatings, the downside being slowness in large numbers, but that is no different to an actor.
They will be able to do everything else you described as well.

As for interest, that is down to the community, of course. Personally I would like to see something like this, especially deployable sandbags.

Wiki on MOSRotatings
For custom wounds, I'd just take a look around in base.rte/effects/wounds and experiment.
It should be trivial to make a TDExplosive gib into a MOSRotating, for deployable sandbags.

So, in short, use a MOSRotating.
Good luck!

Author:  salt_1219 [ Tue Feb 16, 2010 11:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sand bags

Thanks I think I will get started then.

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