Data Realms Fan Forums

Your ideas.
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Author:  DolgVlaPet [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Your ideas.

Well. Maybe someone is interested to give some fresh ideas to mod developers. Because not everybody can actually create something in CC (For example: I can work with code, but like a designer, I totally sux. Once I made a simple sniper gun, but it looks so awful and pathetic, it was destroyed inmediatly)...

So I created this topic and I hope, it grown and continue its existence. I bed a pardon for my bad english, because this is no my native language.
And... Here you go my idea, if someone is actually interested in it... It's not so fresh, but you can make it fresher, than a mountain air. :P

A ninja faction. :evil:

Basically 3-4 dolls. My idea is to create a ninjas of different ages.

One will be a medieval type. With double kunai (Knife) for melee fight, some shurikens, maybe, a bow or Cho-Ko-Nu (Chinice repeating crossbow), a primitive powder-based explosion pack and simple smoke charge to distract enemy (Like a famous "Chaff Grenade" of "DarkStorm" faction). This one can not be able to use jetpack and he will be fragile. But an advantage will be a price, a speed and good agility (Some quick moves, hight jumps, etc).

Another, a modern one (Actually I noticed a lot of those in some mods of CC). With katana for melee, flashbang, explosive charge, stealth disguise, silenced sniper rifle, silenced pistol (Dual, maybe). Or something fresh and original. With simple jetpack, medium armor and medium price. Still pretty agile, but no so fast, like first one.

And third will be a Sci-Fi one. With some weapons, like vibro-blade, invisibility device, sniper rifle with long range and explosive charges, desintegration exploding-charge to destroy stuff (That leaves a pretty round space in place, where deployed), some plasma nades (May be devided in various floating particles, when used, and then, exploding) and some weapons for short range, like plasma/antimatter pistol/smg... Etc.

And a aircraft to deliver those brave warriors to the chaotic battlefield could be a cloud of smoke (A single delivery capsule). :???:

I hope someone will be interested in this idea. And... This is idea topic! If someone else have something to share, your welcome to write it here (At least topic will be banned by an admins). :-(

Author:  p3lb0x [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your ideas.

Please post requests in the requests forum. Have a nice day

Author:  DolgVlaPet [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 4:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your ideas.

Oh. I didn't noticed, there was one of those. (Generally I only visiting scene/mod threads). )
So... I will. Thanks for your attencion! )

Author:  DolgVlaPet [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 4:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your ideas.

And... Delete this one, please. I created a ninjas topic...
Thanks again. )

Author:  Duh102 [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 9:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your ideas.

Locked as per request.

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