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Starcraft mod
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Author:  Elric_of_Melnibone [ Tue Jan 19, 2010 9:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Starcraft mod

Now before you read this, keep in mind I have a very limited mind when it comes to modding in general. I do not know if half of this will be possible, but I know some of it will be good. At the very best it will give you something to read and hope for in the future.

Now first off, the title pretty much explains that i'm wanting a starcraft mod.. I'm hoping for a broad array of units and maybe even some buildings in it(There is a cloning machine out there and maybe you could hook it up to say a barracks. Again I realize this may not be possible). Now first off the marines would hold many of the same characteristics as Cortex Commands normal coalition.. Now SCVs would probally be a tad difficult to use as miner seeing as in the game they're miner vehicles. So i'm hoping at the very least a actor with no armor and a digger. I'm also aware theirs a mod out there with a ghost in it.. Which uses psyblades if i'm not mistaken. But we're gonna need a weak sniper type which can go invisible, entirely possible as proven in the Darkstorm mod.

For the crafts, a droppod could probally be used as a placeholder. If it's possible, i'm hoping to see a dropship that looks and functions alot like the one from Starcraft. Which would be just a dropship? :???: . The implementation of Goliaths would be a dream and seems like something that could be doable. Along with medics to compliment the marines. Flamers aren't exactly too high on the list seeing as you can just equip marines with them, but it'd be nice!

Now for Zerg.. The primary fodder of the Zerg would have to be Zerglings, you could give them a claw ability that many zombie mods have tried to do. I can see using a digger type weapon which emits harmful particals that aren't too uber rape. Alongside these would have to be Hydralisks, which shoot a burst of spines out at bullet speed to kill their enemies. Drones would be a digger/worker type version which would, dig, hopefully build, and repair. The majority of zerg would have a regenerative ability as I understand it while burrowed. So the implication of a burrow type ability would be extremely useful for a player, especially when trying to survive. Transportation of these units would be Overlords, organic flying beasts that drop off troops and scout.

Protoss, an elite alien group with powerful weapons and limited numbers. Zealots would be a melee type that wields psyblades to expertly rip apart their enemies. I'm thinking a digger type sword that can be waved up and down an enemy? And Dragoons, they'd have to be a type of Acrab with a energy turret, the ranged infantry. Note that I doubt a protoss activies would really work due to the complexity of the playstyle. Moving on they would probally have a teleporter device that could drop down and bring them safely.. Elite units can be wasted in a crash after all.

And with that i'm going to end, I could bring up a few more ideas but i'm gonna wait until someone takes an interest in this. It'd by kind of fun to see a RTS type weaponry in a phsyics game. Saying that, I realize this is probally going to be alot of work.. But i'm certain that many would love this if it was made in the right way.


Author:  Elric_of_Melnibone [ Tue Jan 19, 2010 9:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starcraft mod

The point of this thread was just to point out that a good deal of it could be done now with some dedication and the know how. I realize it's been requested many times, but I simply wanted to point it out. This is something that is wanted, that's all. The modders themselves can overlook this completely and if need be it can be deleted.

(In response to Lizard.)

Author:  Lizardheim [ Tue Jan 19, 2010 10:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starcraft mod

What was the point of that?

For the request itself: This has been requested many times, I don't think that anyone is making it right now, but I could be wrong, if I'm wrong, feel free to prove me wrong.

Author:  Duh102 [ Wed Jan 20, 2010 4:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Starcraft mod

Elric_of_Melnibone wrote:
dedication and the know how.

It won't be deleted, most likely ignored. Dedication is the limiting reactant in this chemical equation. Like myself, a lot of the older, experienced modders are suffering from Modder Senioritus.

A whole lot of any themed mod is sprites, and sprites are always the big stumbling block for modders (a few exceptions for people who do both themselves, whom I envy). I used to offer my modding services to anyone who would give me an idea and sprites, so perhaps if you could scare some of those up you'd have a better chance of getting this done.

Also, I like your name. Black soul-sucking sword of doom love.

Author:  Elric_of_Melnibone [ Wed Jan 20, 2010 4:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Starcraft mod

Yeah, awsome book. But I can see why someone would ignore this. I'm just trying to make it detailed so I could give someone a kind of "guideline" on what to work on if they actually do decide to do this.. You know how you get too tired you don't know what to do next. Lists normally help out :P But yeah, if anyones willing to throw up some sprites.. Or anything, greatly appreciated.

Also.. Blood and souls for Arioch!

Author:  Contrary [ Wed Jan 20, 2010 4:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Starcraft mod


Last page, broski.

Eh, Elric is ok.

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