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Converting to B23
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Author:  Ibanator [ Fri Dec 04, 2009 1:31 am ]
Post subject:  Converting to B23

I have a few mods that I don't think were made for B23 (like AAL Experimental Tech v2), could I get some help converting them? Or learning how to it myself?
Just PM me if you can help

Author:  411570N3 [ Fri Dec 04, 2009 6:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Converting to B23

1. See if they work. If they do, you're fine.
2. Check if they are for B22. If so, go to step 4, if from earlier, go to step 3.
3. Convert the mod to B22 via these instructions.
4. If the mod still doesn't work, look for PresetNames with 11 or more character long single words. You will have to separate these words with spaces so that there are no 11 or more characters with no spaces interspersed.
5. Things should work fine.

Author:  Ibanator [ Sat Dec 05, 2009 2:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Converting to B23

OK, I can probably work that out

Author:  Ibanator [ Sat Dec 05, 2009 12:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Converting to B23

411570N3 wrote:
1. See if they work. If they do, you're fine.
2. Check if they are for B22. If so, go to step 4, if from earlier, go to step 3.
3. Convert the mod to B22 via these instructions.
4. If the mod still doesn't work, look for PresetNames with 11 or more character long single words. You will have to separate these words with spaces so that there are no 11 or more characters with no spaces interspersed.
5. Things should work fine.

I don't understand it. I have never done anything involving codes/whatever on my computer before. What are PresetNames?
I could send you a file and you could show me maybe?

Author:  Nuclearmouse [ Sat Dec 05, 2009 12:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Converting to B23

alright. Go into the folder the mod is in. open the .ini files. Look for presetnames and stuff in there. Then do what 411570N3 said.

Author:  Ibanator [ Sun Dec 06, 2009 5:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Converting to B23

Nuclearmouse wrote:
alright. Go into the folder the mod is in. open the .ini files. Look for presetnames and stuff in there. Then do what 411570N3 said.

Yes but what is a PresetName? I think thats stuff like "GibImpulseLimit" and things like that. Am I right? Or do I just make sure there are no 11+ character words throughout the whole mod?

Author:  Metal Meltdown [ Sun Dec 06, 2009 1:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Converting to B23

PresetNames are the names themselves, and they can't have 11-letter words, or they'll lock up CC when you open the buy menu (/repeat of what Allstone said). Don't mess with the giblimits, those are related to the damage an actor/object can take.
Hint: Gib (guess what)-Impluse (force)-Limit. It's not that hard to figure out.

Author:  ProjektTHOR [ Sun Dec 06, 2009 2:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Converting to B23

Clearly this person shouldn't be making third-party content.

Author:  Nuclearmouse [ Sun Dec 06, 2009 6:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Converting to B23

ProjektTHOR wrote:
Clearly this person shouldn't be making third-party content.

He isn't he is just trying to CONVERT other people's mods.

Ibanator the wiki has pages with explanations of what terms like "PresetName" mean.
If you cant work out what something is look it up there.

Author:  Metal Meltdown [ Sun Dec 06, 2009 7:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Converting to B23

Actually, NuclearMouse, if you can't figure out what a Giblimit means by its name alone, chances are you won't understand a thing from the wiki, since it can't really answer specific questions one might pose.

Author:  Nuclearmouse [ Sun Dec 06, 2009 7:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Converting to B23

The wiki explains things pretty clearly to me. It has solved nearly all questions i've had so far.

Though the Giblimit thing's did seem obvious to me...

Still the wiki can be useful so check it Ibanator.

Author:  Ibanator [ Mon Dec 07, 2009 1:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Converting to B23

OK thnx everyone who helped, I'm new to basically everything with codes in it, so yeah. And I never claimed to be making third party content so don't judge people unfairly, it's just stupid and doesn't make you look any better.

Author:  Ibanator [ Mon Dec 07, 2009 1:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Converting to B23

Metal Meltdown wrote:
Actually, NuclearMouse, if you can't figure out what a Giblimit means by its name alone, chances are you won't understand a thing from the wiki, since it can't really answer specific questions one might pose.

I actually had guessed what that meant, but i thought maybe a PresetName was just a category of words, see, I have no idea where to start at all this. I made 2 games in flash at school, thats as far as my experience with codes goes, so don't expect too much from me for quite a while. I know people who will probably teach me though.

Author:  411570N3 [ Mon Dec 07, 2009 2:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Converting to B23

The presetname is the name displayed in the buy menu and is the name the game knows each object as. The presetname is on the same line as 'PresetName =', after the equals sign.

Author:  Ibanator [ Wed Dec 09, 2009 10:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Converting to B23

Looked at wiki, it is very helpful. But, i converted one of my mods, now, whenever i try to load a level with this mod installed, the screen goes black and stays that way, no error message or anything, suggestions?

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