Data Realms Fan Forums

Ideas for a simple yet interesting new scene
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Author:  Enessi1 [ Thu Nov 26, 2009 6:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Ideas for a simple yet interesting new scene

Hey guys I'm trying to think of a new map to make for the cc community. Considering the fact that there are not too many maps out there, and there seems to be an overwhelming amount of weapons and actors, please post some ideas and ill try to work on them.


simple yet fun
new type of area (space, Atlantis, a hot-dog vendors kiosk....)
special design\feel
adventurous(whatever elss you can think of that could be fun.)

knock yourself out :D

Author:  Rawtoast [ Fri Nov 27, 2009 6:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ideas for a simple yet interesting new scene

So you're requesting requests?

Okay, I'll bite. Make this into a scene.

Author:  Labrat>BEN [ Sat Nov 28, 2009 4:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ideas for a simple yet interesting new scene

a huge tunnle/cave would be fun to me. w/large overhangs or something...
what ever... :-(

Author:  Tomaster [ Sat Nov 28, 2009 5:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ideas for a simple yet interesting new scene

Enessi1 wrote:
Hey guys I'm trying to think of a new map to make for the cc community. Considering the fact that there are not too many maps out there, and there seems to be an overwhelming amount of weapons and actors, please post some ideas and ill try to work on them.


simple yet fun
new type of area (space, Atlantis, a hot-dog vendors kiosk....)
special design\feel
adventurous(whatever elss you can think of that could be fun.)

knock yourself out :D

Alright, I want one on the moon. Minimal gravity, seven different layers of terrain, and a complex subsystem of tunnels. Is there any way of you maybe showing us what you can do without us telling you? Have you made any maps before?

Author:  carriontrooper [ Sat Nov 28, 2009 3:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ideas for a simple yet interesting new scene

Man, I wish someone could remake the boss battles in MGS3. For example, fighting The Fury could take place in a big tunnel, and you can duck and cover while he set the world on fire.... Fighting The Pain could be done in a big cave-like environment, with places to duck when bees are aimed at you...

Man, this reminds me to update the MGS actors. Ecpecially The Fury, who now can be sparkle magicked with Darlos' hovercode...

Author:  Captain Kicktar [ Mon Nov 30, 2009 6:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ideas for a simple yet interesting new scene

A map with a hotel.

Author:  Seraph [ Mon Nov 30, 2009 6:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ideas for a simple yet interesting new scene

Capture the hill - brutal close combat fighting in a large building - perhaps with rebuilding terrain for a never-ending fight unless you reach the other side and kill the brain (Lua?).

Author:  Enessi1 [ Tue Dec 01, 2009 12:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ideas for a simple yet interesting new scene

i have made some maps before none of wich are posted in the forms. :(
Tomaster wrote:
Alright, I want one on the moon. Minimal gravity, seven different layers of terrain, and a complex subsystem of tunnels. Is there any way of you maybe showing us what you can do without us telling you? Have you made any maps before?

At the moment im working on the surface like craters and whatnot i guese i can turn one of the caters into an excavated tunnle ^^ we shall see what happens

wish me luck :D

p.s. i DO need some help with some good moon texture anyone mind helping it would help a lot


p.s.s. i have a lot of school work to do along with a few extracuricular activitys so i will do my best to push the map through :)

il also keep any one who cares to listen updates on my progress

got the land mostly done and the lower gravity so now i got to add bunkers and whatnot so yup

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