Data Realms Fan Forums

Left 4 Dead map request.
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Author:  mrheadhopper [ Mon Nov 09, 2009 11:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Left 4 Dead map request.

So hey,after the L4D survivors mod,i would love an simple map with an "house" like bunker,and fast zombies will attack you.
(if you die,its the end,you got to survive the most time possible)
I was thinking,an big-like house,with 2 entrances and an open roof.
In the middle of the map there should be 4 medpacks,1 pump shotgun,1 m16a2(or something)1 auto shotty,1 uzi,and 4 pistols.
There must be the 4 survivors,Louis,Zoey,Bill and Francis.
If posible,make an zombie that can puke,one that can throw an "tongue" like thingy that freezes players in spot, and removes life passing it to the zombie.
Another zombie that can jump high,and a strong zombie.(Could use the fat zombie sprite,add 200 life,and big damage,slow attack speed,it runs sorta fast)
You can't buy.
Thanks for reading and i hope this gets made :D!

Mod where you should get all the content:
Thanks for reading,again.

Author:  rjhw1 [ Tue Nov 10, 2009 12:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Left 4 Dead map request.

Yeah this should go in the Requests thread.

Author:  Tomaster [ Tue Nov 10, 2009 12:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Left 4 Dead map request.

This is why we need a beginner's guide. And a quiz before you can make threads.

Author:  rikimaru509 [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 2:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Left 4 Dead map request.

Hey im creating a map.Its a holdout map for L4D. I call it Food Tank. You have the four survivors and infecting zombies on opposite sides then you try to survive. Im not done with it yet though ill tell you when im done.

Author:  Seraph [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 11:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Left 4 Dead map request.

Just to let you know, Necroing may be a reportable offence, however it's not actually in the rules so I'm not counting this as an offence. Be careful not to bump his thread to get your answer though.

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