Data Realms Fan Forums

Left For Dead
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Author:  npingry [ Fri Oct 16, 2009 7:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Left For Dead

Left For Dead!
i just got finished playing a zombie survival map and i was wondering. "what if someone made Left 4 Dead on Cortex Command." i was hoping somebody can help me with this. I wish for the Mod to contain:
*Runner Zombies (increased speed and claw weapon)
*Boomer Zombie ( Fat zombie that explodes when he dies spewing a nasty fluid)
*Hunter Zombie (Crawling zombie that jumps on unsuspecting survivors, if possible)
*Smoker Zombie (pull survivors in with his tongue, when he dies he produces a deadly fog.)
*Witch (really strong fast freak, with hysterical noises and movement)
* Francis (Gang Survivor, Auto equipped with Shotgun and pistol)
*Zoey (Female survivor, Auto equipped with dual pistols)
*Bill (War veteran survivor, auto equipped with M16)
*Louis (Black business man, auto equipped with Uzi)
*Tank (Pretty much Zombie Hulk)

*Pistol (single & dual)
*Pump Shotgun
*Semi Auto Shotgun
*Hunting Rifle

*Gas Can (Explodes When Shot)
*Pain Pills (Heals partial health)
*Med Pack (heals all health, delay to heal)
*Pipebomb (timed beeping explosive that attracts zombies... if possible on CC)
*Propane Tank (Explodes violently)

Mabey even a Survival map that resembles the hospital rooftop or the house. :)

I have only one more request. A rescue choppa! Thanks to whoever can assist me!

Author:  Azukki [ Sat Oct 17, 2009 2:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Left For Dead

Not a fan of oxygen tanks or molotovs?

But anyways, maybe take a look at the veeery last thread in mod releases? use the search feature?

It's a dead project though, so don't expect any more to be coming.
Well, maybe conversions to future builds with a couple tweaks, but no real effort's gonna go into it.
I decided to do any future copying more subtly.

If anyone wants to start where I left off, go for it, but give credit where it's due. To Valve, Ringwall, and I.
And mombasa for his one single contributed sprite.

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