Data Realms Fan Forums

Agent Smith Mod
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Author:  Flammablezombie [ Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Agent Smith Mod

Can someone make a guy in a plain suit with a tie, with an agent smith head, that hitsmos=0 if there's a sharp ammo particle near them, and comes with an M9 pistol (standard US government military issue, not sure about 'agents', but I think their cover is US special services) that homes in on enemy's heads, or perhaps pops them off upon contact? I'm sure there's a script for the latter somewhere.

Author:  ZevN47 [ Thu Sep 17, 2009 3:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Agent Smith Mod

You want it to not be able to get hit by bullets and you want to have smith with only a pistol... I will try! also what do you mean by "head pops off" just a bullet hits the head and the head goes flying? I know that they have tried to do this but it is still a WIP so I can make you a bullet bending guy but I don't know about Head explosions. What about a smith that spawns more smiths? I think I could do that (I would have to go take a peek at the Zombie script though)

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