Data Realms Fan Forums

Killing Floor Mod Request
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Author:  Manticore [ Thu Jul 23, 2009 7:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Killing Floor Mod Request

I recently bought the game killing floor and i am enjoying it a lot! what i did notice is that the zombies could translate easily and wonderfully into cortex command. killing floor is a co-op style zombie game with non linear levels where you fight waves of zombies until you get to the final boss. all of the picture of enemies but the stalker)

there is the Clot which is your standard zombie style enemy. he walks slowly towards you and takes little to kill. however he can grab you if he gets close enough allowing other enemies to close in.(i see no reason at all why we cant do this with lua[just pin the actor when the clot gets close enough])

then there is the Bloat which is similar to left 4 dead's boomer but instead of attracting zombies its just good ol acid. he can take quite a few hits. he can vomit at close range and explodes if shot in the gut too many times, he will not explode if headshotted or his legs are taken out.(he will continue living for awhile then die(not hard to do at all)

the GoreFast is a high damage zombie that will charge at you once you get close enough. he has about twice as much health as a clot.(not that difficult to do)

the Crawler is very dark and spiderlike he leaps at you and is difficult to hit because of his smaller crawling profile(hence the name). (this wouldn’t be that hard to do but getting the leap attack right might take time)

the Stalker is similar in damage(does a bit more) and movement speed of the clot but wont grab you. however the stalker is invisible until they get quite close, and then appear.(this would be trickier to do but is probably possible to do with lua)

the Siren is the first of the difficult zombies you fight. she walks quite slowly and has a weak bite attack. however when your in range she will scream which does damage to you(and not zombies) and also causes explosives to be destroyed(and not explode). (the damaging scream isn’t hard to do at all, the only real difficult part is getting all of the explosives to be destroyed without exploding)

the Scrake is a VERY tough zombie that can take several rockets and live. he uses a chainsaw/hand and acts similar to the gorefast in terms of charging.(doesn’t need much special coding)

the Fleshpound is an even tougher zombie than the Scrake. he will walk slowly towards you and do high damage if he gets to you. however if you continually run away from him or shoot him enough times he will rage and move very fast at you(the normally yellow light on his chest and back will also glow red), faster than you can run, forcing you to fight him toe to toe.( the rage part is going to be the hardest part of this guy)

the Patriarch is the final boss of Killing Floor is a very tough enemy to fight(he is the only zombie on this wave). he will shoot at you with a rocket launcher and a Gatling gun which will kill you quite quickly. he can also turn invisible and charge at you using his tentacles. if he gets low on health he will turn invisible run away, summon a small group of zombies and heal (he can only do this 3 times). (this is a bit more difficult to code but could be done, the most difficult part would be the running away and healing while invisible)

i know this is a lot to ask but it would be an excellent addition to cortex command.

Author:  Contrary [ Fri Jul 24, 2009 5:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Killing Floor Mod Request


Take this, print it out, and tape it over your screen.


Actually, killing floor has alright zombie varieties, so maybe I'll give it a shot. (3.6% likeliness)

Author:  Roon3 [ Fri Jul 24, 2009 8:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Killing Floor Mod Request

Translating games into CC mods usually fails.

Author:  LowestFormOfWit [ Fri Jul 24, 2009 8:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Killing Floor Mod Request

And no offense, but it looks like a glorified L4D Copy.

Author:  Manticore [ Fri Jul 24, 2009 8:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Killing Floor Mod Request

^ thats what i though too however the original mod for unreal came out in 2005, left 4 dead came out in 2008. and besides that the gameplay is completely different. if you want to try out the game i have noticed that most computer arcades have killing floor.

it is true that translating games into CC doesnt work that often at all, but this one seems like it would be an excellent "base" for a newer zombie mod for CC.

Author:  LowestFormOfWit [ Sat Jul 25, 2009 8:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Killing Floor Mod Request

Manticore wrote:
^ thats what i though too however the original mod for unreal came out in 2005, left 4 dead came out in 2008. and besides that the gameplay is completely different. if you want to try out the game i have noticed that most computer arcades have killing floor.

it is true that translating games into CC doesnt work that often at all, but this one seems like it would be an excellent "base" for a newer zombie mod for CC.

L4D Development started in 2005. Release dates are pretty silly comparisons for which is older.

Also, there's a lot of zombie mods for CC.

No, more than that.

Honestly people who like zombies should work to combine/improve the existing ones and make a really good core zombie faction. Or just wait and see if Vanilla development makes the undead faction more (no pun intended) fleshed out.

Author:  Contrary [ Sat Jul 25, 2009 8:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Killing Floor Mod Request

LowestFormOfWit wrote:
Honestly people who like zombies should work to combine/improve the existing ones and make a really good core zombie faction. Or just wait and see if Vanilla development makes the undead faction more (no pun intended) fleshed out.

You totally intended that, bro. Terrible.

But uhh... Would you mind sharing some of these zombie mods?
I only know, numgun's (not sure if that counts), Geti's, and mail's (Actually zomborgs).

Author:  Roon3 [ Sat Jul 25, 2009 8:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Killing Floor Mod Request

How about Geti's mod?


Author:  IceSilver [ Sat Jul 25, 2009 9:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Killing Floor Mod Request

if you have to write no pun intended you're basically saying "I know you're too stupid to notice it so I will point out that I have made a potentially-funny-but-usually-not pun here".

and of course a game will be claimed to be a clone of something else with a few differences. CC-worms, L4D, KF, all FPS' for that matter, all RTS'...

anyway; as for zombies in here, since (to my suprise) it's not over run with them, it would be nice to have some leaping zombies (ala Fast Zombies-HL2), ones that get sliced in 1/2 and crawl, really fat gassy exploding ones...

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