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Something to keep the gibs out of my hangar
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Author:  MECAGUY03 [ Tue Jul 21, 2009 12:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Something to keep the gibs out of my hangar

Is there anything existing yet that will repel any falling gibs, yet let friendly ships through? this would be VERY useful, as i always make a landing pad or bunker, or shaft, only to have it clogged up with gibs of dropships that INSIST to spawn RIGHT ABOVE MY BASE. and my air defense kills the soldiers yes, but it doesn't remove any of the gibs that fall and end up killing more things than the soldier ever would. if this doesn't exist, PLEASE MAKE ONE! one that preferably either comes in "one size fits all" (hangar or rocket shaft) or two that come in those flavors.

Author:  Some_stranger [ Tue Jul 21, 2009 12:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Something to keep the gibs out of my hangar

Hmm. I think theres a tech that clears pixels of settled objects but not, actors or anything, let me check.. Yeah its DSTech, use the search thing, it should be there, download it, and under Bunker Systems is a cleaner thing.

Author:  Roon3 [ Tue Jul 21, 2009 2:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Something to keep the gibs out of my hangar

function update (self)

self.Bobby = box (*Hangar top left corner*,*Hangar bottom right corner*);
for trash in MovableMan.Particles do
if trash.ClassName == "MOSRotating" then
if self.Bobby:WithinBox(trash.Pos) then
trash.ToDelete = true;


Author:  The Decaying Soldat [ Tue Jul 21, 2009 3:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Something to keep the gibs out of my hangar

I have the same problem when playing.

To counter this, I usually make a small drop-pod receiving room right on top of my brain, as a back-up in case the main hangers got stuck. Then send out a worker robot to clear the gibs with a digger.

However most of the time I don't even bother to build such large bases. They're pain in the azz.

Author:  MECAGUY03 [ Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Something to keep the gibs out of my hangar

You seem to be assuming that the gibs actually reach the bunker, what i am requesting is something that actually bounces the gibs off of something, doors MIGHT do the trick, but the existing doors just break under the weight of gibs, and they open too slowly for rockets. we need a bubble shield thing that your units are immune to, the existing ones WOULD keep gibs out of a bunker, but they keep you out as well. and when i make a drop pod receiving room, it just happens that a rocket wants to land on it, and gets shot down by my missile turrets, or just flips over when it takes off again, and then it blows up. then i am left with a rocket shaft, and drop pod room filled with gibs (and the DStech bunker cleaning system would clean gibs, but it "cleans" terrain too >.>)

Also, The Decaying Soldat, use unitechs pre-built bunkers, come in sizes from unnecessarily huge, to just small enough

Author:  Geti [ Tue Jul 21, 2009 11:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Something to keep the gibs out of my hangar

roons script will delete them all before they land, not repel them. repelling them would be sligtly more complex, but could be done like so, though it would make scarey ♥♥♥♥ happen if someone died inside the bunker.

function Create (self)

--make sure you get the box positioning right, using self.Corner1 and 2
self.Corner1 = Vector( (self.Pos.X - 30), (self.Pos.Y - 10) )
self.Corner2 = Vector( (self.Pos.X + 30), (self.Pos.Y + 10) )
self.Bobby = Box(self.Corner1, self.Corner2);
--example for 60x20px box
self.timer = Timer() --timer to reduce lag


function Update (self)

if self.timer:IsPastSimMS(300) then -- each 300 ms
for trash in MovableMan.Particles do -- check each particle
if trash.ClassName == "MOSRotating" then -- if its a MOSR
if self.Bobby:WithinBox(trash.Pos) then --and its within the box
trash:FlashWhite(300) --make it flash white
trash.Vel = trash.Vel * -2 --and reflect it


put this on a pinned MOPixel at the centre of the entry point. if you want more protection, make the box bigger and put it in the center of the module. as i said, if someone dies inside expect some fast moving gibs.

Author:  MECAGUY03 [ Wed Jul 22, 2009 12:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Something to keep the gibs out of my hangar

Sadly, i am not a coder, could someone put this is mod form please?

Author:  Grif [ Wed Jul 22, 2009 3:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Something to keep the gibs out of my hangar

Your code would error, Geti, you didn't define a box properly.

self.bobby = Box(vector,vector);

Author:  Geti [ Wed Jul 22, 2009 5:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Something to keep the gibs out of my hangar

it has two vectors.
self.corner1 and self.corner2 are vectors, predefined for easier modification for the situation.
oh, wait, the capitalisation is ♥♥♥♥.
i'll edit it.
can someone stick it to a MOPixel that doesnt settle at the top of the vanilla hangar?

Author:  zeno39 [ Wed Jul 22, 2009 6:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Something to keep the gibs out of my hangar

I can see myself sitting in my bunker sipping a cup of tea while I watch drop ship parts and random limbs fall down all around me. My point is that would be awesome and it must be made NOW!not really now but it would be nice to see something like it very soon, not like martha stuwart soon, more like jackie chan soon.

Author:  The Decaying Soldat [ Wed Jul 22, 2009 6:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Something to keep the gibs out of my hangar

A back-up drop pod room vertically on top of your brain will be free of invading dropships. It's just that it is not close to the front-lines.

I like base-building, I just find a big base far less-manageable. It's proven true that a few actors in a small bunker is much more efficient than a huge base with crap-load of stuff. I'm hoping to see that get a change.

I do support a gib force-field, will be useful. However if possible, I'd rather have an AI landing-denial module to restrict AI landing zones in-game.

Author:  Geti [ Wed Jul 22, 2009 6:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Something to keep the gibs out of my hangar

you can do that, you know. LZTeam1, LZTeam2, these both should work when you're making a scene to restrict the landing zones on a per team basis.

Author:  The Decaying Soldat [ Wed Jul 22, 2009 12:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Something to keep the gibs out of my hangar

Geti wrote:
you can do that, you know. LZTeam1, LZTeam2, these both should work when you're making a scene to restrict the landing zones on a per team basis.

Yea I know, but I think someone mentioned this doesn't for for the AI.

What I'm thinking of is a module that you can place in build-mode. This way you can customize landing zones yourself, to fit whatever size your base is.

Author:  Duh102 [ Wed Jul 22, 2009 1:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Something to keep the gibs out of my hangar

The Decaying Soldat wrote:
Geti wrote:
LZTeam1, LZTeam2

Yea I know, but I think someone mentioned this doesn't for for the AI.

They don't quite work, you have to make a lua script for the scene to have it summon enemies there. But, you could place a bunkermodule or something, like you said, that teleports any enemy craft from around the top of the map to a specific section of the top of the map. Something like
for actor in MovableMan.Actors do
(tab)if actor:IsCraft() and box:WithinBox(actor.Pos) then
(tab)(tab)actor.Pos.X = math.random() * boxXSize + boxLeftX;
(tab)(tab)actor.Pos.Y = BoxYSize + BoxTopY;

Note that the above is pseudocode, not actually usable Lua.

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