Data Realms Fan Forums

Need assistance on ACrab limbs
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Author:  tons0phun [ Wed Jul 15, 2009 7:01 am ]
Post subject:  Need assistance on ACrab limbs

-Stand/Walk/Dislodge Paths Start Offset Vectors
-Walkpath Segments

Here is the crab in's my first attempt at modding, so be...brutally honest. :dead:
Honestly though, I would appreciate comments on the aesthetics.

Essentially what I need help with are the vectors left as "zeros" in the script.
I've spent many days trying to figure out the axis for each thing and how they're referenced...I think I've done decent with many of them so far.
But these ones just have me stumped. :oops:

EDIT: I've tried contacting everybody and their mom about help with this, but get continually referenced to somebody I've already tried asking for help. Really, I can't figure this thing out and any help would be greatly appreciated especially if you know how these things are referenced. Please, help me out here. :oops:

Author:  tons0phun [ Sat Sep 19, 2009 5:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Need assistance on ACrab limbs

[Shameless-plea bump.]

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