Data Realms Fan Forums

I would like an invincible actor.
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Author:  ShnitzelKiller [ Thu Jun 18, 2009 1:19 am ]
Post subject:  I would like an invincible actor.

It shouldn't be that hard, right? Just that. Preferably an AHuman.

Author:  striker121 [ Thu Jun 18, 2009 2:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I would like an invincible actor.

Well, it could be. Try looking at the thread for invinceable blocks, it gets to be a huge contest. Now, NEAR indestructible is possible I'm sure, but INVINCABLE might give some modders a good goal and a ton of hacky ways to achieve. I vote someone does something clever and gets the ball rolling.

Author:  Disst [ Thu Jun 18, 2009 2:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I would like an invincible actor.


Damn near invincible.

Author:  mail2345 [ Thu Jun 18, 2009 2:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I would like an invincible actor.

EntryWound = Null
ExitWound = Nada
GibWoundLimit = -1
GibImpulseLimit = -1

On everything, and amp up join stiffness.
BreakWound = nil

On attachables

Or you could just
GetsHitByMOs = false

For bizzareness points, a
Scale = 0

on everything works.

On the end of I want a peice of blood and wounds, just add
GibWoundLimit = -1
GibImpulseLimit = -1

And for lua have
function Update(self)
self.Health = 100

For more why did you do that points, this should work in lua:
function Update(self)
for p in MovableMan.Particles
if SceneMan:ShortestDistance(self.Pos,p.Pos,true) < 40 then
p.Lifetime = 1

Better yet:
GibWoundLimit = -1

For code, and for lua:
function Update(self)
self.ToSettle = false
self.ToDelete = false
self.Lifetime = 0

Author:  CaveCricket48 [ Thu Jun 18, 2009 3:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I would like an invincible actor.

Phoenix Robot:

It's not invincible, but you can't permenantly kill it besides throwing it off the map boundries.

Author:  mail2345 [ Thu Jun 18, 2009 4:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I would like an invincible actor.

Actually, this might help with the whole map throwing thing:
function Update(self)
if (self.Pos.X =< 0 and self.Vel.X < 0) or (self.Pos.X =< SceneMan.SceneDim.X and self.Vel.X > 0) then
self.Vel.X = self.Vel.X * - 1
if (self.Pos.Y =< 0 and self.Vel.Y < 0) or (self.Pos.Y =< SceneMan.SceneDim.Y and self.Vel.Y > 0) then
self.Vel.Y = self.Vel.Y * - 1

Author:  Contrary [ Thu Jun 18, 2009 4:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I would like an invincible actor.

:/ 1 B22 Revolver Cannon should kills Data. Plus he can be trampled easily.

Author:  Grif [ Fri Jun 19, 2009 12:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I would like an invincible actor.

Ini modding only goes so far. As of some build (like 16-17 ish) all objects can be crushed, even if they don't have gibs.

The only concievable way to circumvent this is something that automatically removes terrain. This hardly seems optimal.

Author:  mail2345 [ Fri Jun 19, 2009 12:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I would like an invincible actor.

Stuff this in update somewhere:

Author:  Roon3 [ Fri Jun 19, 2009 9:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I would like an invincible actor.


Might work as well.

Author:  numgun [ Fri Jun 19, 2009 2:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I would like an invincible actor.

Guys, someone make a bearsuit actor and make him invincible with all the stuff suggested here.

Bearsuit = god mode on

EDIT: This:

Author:  ShnitzelKiller [ Fri Jul 03, 2009 11:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I would like an invincible actor.

Is it so hard to prevent an actor from taking damage? I don't care about the going out of boundaries part, though it would be nice. Phoenix bot won't work because he has to respawn, thus losing all his weapons and crashing the game anyway if you have a psy implant, which is exactly why I am looking for this actor, since with any other there is the risk that you will randomly die and the game then crashes.

Author:  Grif [ Sat Jul 04, 2009 1:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I would like an invincible actor.

Stopping them from taking damage is easy.

Stopping them from dying by crushing is the hard part.

Author:  CrazyMLC [ Sat Jul 04, 2009 3:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I would like an invincible actor.

Move out of terrain lua script, plus a revive script if the HP goes below 1.
(If the phoenix bot dies from wounds, it just dies.)

Author:  zalo [ Sat Jul 04, 2009 8:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I would like an invincible actor.

Grif wrote:
Stopping them from taking damage is easy.

Stopping them from dying by crushing is the hard part.

Easy. "DeepCheck = 1". Crush resistant.

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