Data Realms Fan Forums

Power armored warrior request
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Author:  Benpasko [ Fri Nov 20, 2009 4:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Power armored warrior request

Hyperkultra wrote:
Benpasko wrote:
cool kids do pixel-by-pixel spriting!

And we only play on Red Team, in Blood Gulch ONLY!



Author:  fylth [ Mon Nov 23, 2009 12:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Power armored warrior request

Thanks for the help, i've just finished spriting my actor (minus gibs at the moment)

I've had a go at coding him together but I can't get it to work, I've mangled the code so much that i've totally scrapped it, I'll try again later if I can work it out :S

If anyone else would be nice enough to put it together for me I would be grateful, so i'll post the file here with all the parts in (and one image called concept so you can sort of see how it was meant together, especially the lowarmour attachable).

Oh and most of the sprites are derived from that fantastic Heavy Dummy mod, very helpful (the torso section is basically a recolour, the rest is just sprited over the originals for scale purposes). If someone does code it then It would be nice if it could have a similar strength to the Heavy Dummy, if not stronger (so it can withstand more of a beating)

So yeah, if anyone would care to overlook the terrible sprites I would be much obliged :)

File comment: Original mod name of course :P
Alpha.rte.rar [37.61 KiB]
Downloaded 163 times

Author:  Benpasko [ Mon Nov 23, 2009 2:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Power armored warrior request

Glad to see my suggestion to use the heavy dummy helped you, I'm gonna look through your stuff, and possibly add the code to it. Do you want it as a brain or just a soldier?

Edit: nvm, I'm no good with code, and the heavy dummy seems to have more to it than just a soldier.

Author:  fylth [ Mon Nov 23, 2009 9:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Power armored warrior request

Yeah it does, I tried just adjusting the existing code but it's slightly more complex than I can handle. And as a brain unit would be preferable :)

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