Data Realms Fan Forums

Actively moving Actor Hands, Switching hand sprites
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Author:  Izak12 [ Sat Feb 09, 2013 5:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Actively moving Actor Hands, Switching hand sprites

im trying to see if its possible to create a lua script where i can move an actors hands real time when a weapon is used and then set them back to default position?

Is this possible?
Also, when the weapon is used I want to switch the hand graphics to null.bmp. basically while the weapon is in a firing state i want it to keep these values set an when released or reloading i want it to return to normal. Until I can make it more complex later on.

also unrelated,


if I stick an actor like that is it possible to make it so I can use the actor while stickied in the other so I can shoot from a flying actor using an actor sticky to it? or ACraft whatever its called.


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