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Conditional gibs
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Author:  Djinn [ Fri Aug 03, 2012 4:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Conditional gibs

This is probably covered already, but I was at work and I had a thought - is there a function to add gibs only if a certain condition is met? In this case its if a MOSRotating hits a certain frame, but it could be anything I suppose.

To clarify I mean something that adds gibs to the parent rather than cause extra gibs to fly out. I mean like if you blow it up before whatever frame, it gibs x, but if you blow it up after that it gibs x + whatever else.

Author:  akblabla [ Fri Aug 03, 2012 4:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Conditional gibs

Djinn wrote:
This is probably covered already, but I was at work and I had a thought - is there a function to add gibs only if a certain condition is met? In this case its if a MOSRotating hits a certain frame, but it could be anything I suppose.

To clarify I mean something that adds gibs to the parent rather than cause extra gibs to fly out. I mean like if you blow it up before whatever frame, it gibs x, but if you blow it up after that it gibs x + whatever else.

Use lua,

Make a function "function Destroy(self)", and generate the gibs with the CreateMOSRotating or whatever you need

function Destroy(self)
  if self.Frame == whateverFrame then
    local Gib = CreateMOSRotating("Your gib");
    Gib.Pos = self.Pos + self:RotateOffset(Vector(X-offset, Y-offset));
    Gib.Vel = self.Vel + Vector(math.random(-maxspeed,maxspeed),math.random(-maxspeed,maxspeed));
    Gib.RotAngle = self.RotAngle;
    Gib.AngularVel = self.AngularVel + math.random(-maxAngularVel,maxAngularVel);
    Gib.HFlipped = self.HFlipped;

Author:  Djinn [ Fri Aug 03, 2012 5:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Conditional gibs

So if I wanted to have multiple different occassions of gibs being added all I would have to do is add some elseif self.frame = x and add them through that. The only other thing I'd have to do is create more local variables for the gibs, correct?

Author:  akblabla [ Fri Aug 03, 2012 5:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Conditional gibs

Djinn wrote:
So if I wanted to have multiple different occassions of gibs being added all I would have to do is add some elseif self.frame = x and add them through that. The only other thing I'd have to do is create more local variables for the gibs, correct?


Oh and a small thing

add this around the script

if ((self.Pos.Y > 0 and self.Pos.Y < SceneMan.SceneHeight) or SceneMan.SceneWrapsY) and ((self.Pos.X > 0 and self.Pos.X < SceneMan.SceneWidth) or SceneMan.SceneWrapsX) then


so it looks like this

function Destroy(self)
  if ((self.Pos.Y > 0 and self.Pos.Y < SceneMan.SceneHeight) or SceneMan.SceneWrapsY) and ((self.Pos.X > 0 and self.Pos.X < SceneMan.SceneWidth) or SceneMan.SceneWrapsX) then
    if self.Frame == whateverFrame then

      --Repeat for each gib
      local Gib = CreateMOSRotating("Your gib");
      Gib.Pos = self.Pos + self:RotateOffset(Vector(X-offset, Y-offset));
      Gib.Vel = self.Vel + Vector(math.random(-maxspeed,maxspeed),math.random(-maxspeed,maxspeed));
      Gib.RotAngle = self.RotAngle;
      Gib.AngularVel = self.AngularVel + math.random(-maxAngularVel,maxAngularVel);
      Gib.HFlipped = self.HFlipped;

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