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Turning an actor into a live grenade.
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Author:  Squeegy Mackpy [ Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:38 am ]
Post subject:  Turning an actor into a live grenade.

Here's a damn odd request. I have an actor, I have a grenade, and I want to turn the actor into a live grenade.

I figured the best way to do this was:

Create the grenade
Set it at the position of the actor
Delete the actor
Light the grenade

Now unless there's a better method I'm unaware of, how do I go about activating the grenade?

Author:  Asklar [ Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Turning an actor into a live grenade.


You want to transform the actor into a grenade? Or do you want to make the actor explode as if it was a grenade? Or you want to do both, turn your actor into a grenade and then blow it up?

You could make the actor create the grenade on it's function Destroy(self), and make the grenade have a lua script attached to it with a self:Activate() line in the function Create(self).

Author:  Squeegy Mackpy [ Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Turning an actor into a live grenade.

Sorry for the ambiguity, I want to keep this out of context so it doesnt spoil the surprise.

When an actor gets too close to the object this script is attached to, the actor becomes a live grenade. The actor is gone, and a live grenade is in his place, at his origin.

Anyway, you've answered my question already with Activate(). I couldn't find the page on the wiki. I'm pretty sure I can finish the rest by myself. Thanks <3

Author:  Asklar [ Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Turning an actor into a live grenade.

Heh, you are welcome.

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