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Doing multiple "rooms" in missions?
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Author:  Awesomeness [ Sat Sep 24, 2011 4:22 am ]
Post subject:  Doing multiple "rooms" in missions?

So, I have converted my sprite of all the castle tiles into a tileset and am using with a program to create map bmps.

Because of this marvelous discovery the map developing process for the SMW castle is ~20x faster, quite literally. Copy-pasting to make that castle in Sweet Dreams 1 was just tedious...

So, like any other castle in SMW I want my castle to have doors. You know, the yellow tall kind. You see them in castles and ghost houses. However, to make the quality of the mission satisfactory to me if possible, I should like the camera movement to match both the rooms and the behavior it exhibits in the real SNES SMW. This is partly so it looks nice and partly so you can't see other rooms.

So this means here's what I need to do:
  • Lock the camera on the Y axis to a certain height
  • Limit the camera on the X axis so you can't see past ~64px past the wall of the room. So the X limits would have to vary by screen resolution. Screen width can be obtained with FrameMan.PlayerScreenWidth. (So I need 2 X locations to act like "walls"; a virtual end of the scene, via Lua.)

Is controlling the position of the "camera" possible with Lua? Because I can probably do those things myself if I need to.

If I hear from you guys that it isn't possible, I'll have to resort to making the player control an invisible floating brain which redirects what controls you give it to Dimitri. However this could have a bunch of limitations like not being able to aim.
Though I am strongly considering the fact that this might not matter since I'm probably not going to give Dimitri pie powers in this... Not being able to aim will make him look horizontal anyways, just like Mario. Dimitri's going to get a Mario hat ^_^

If I can't overcome these problems I'll just have to make lots of walls between rooms so you can't see the other ones... I don't like that.

Hopefully it won't come to that. Can you help me? :)

Edit: OOH! Does SceneMan:SetScrollTarget() actually work? Or does it always try to center on my actor and override my commands?

Author:  Grif [ Sat Sep 24, 2011 7:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Doing multiple "rooms" in missions?

You could, ah, have a loaded in scene that runs entirely automatically and does the whole:

walk up to door, door opens, char walks inside bit

entirely automatically without scrolling the screen

And then just play normally from within the level. If I remember right there's a command to hot-swap between the actual scene loaded without exiting the activity.

Author:  Awesomeness [ Sat Sep 24, 2011 2:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Doing multiple "rooms" in missions?

Well, I mean multiple rooms not as in cutscene rooms, but like multiple rooms for the level gameplay itself.

You can swap scenes? :grin:

SceneMan:SetScrollTarget() works! Just do it every update.

Author:  weegee [ Thu Sep 29, 2011 2:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Doing multiple "rooms" in missions?

Or maybe you can cover invisible rooms with fog of war, and reveal visible ones? Cover everything with FoW and then clear the area of the room where your character actually is.

Author:  Awesomeness [ Thu Sep 29, 2011 10:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Doing multiple "rooms" in missions?

That's smart. I might do that.

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