Data Realms Fan Forums

CC + RPG Elements?
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Author:  blargiefarg [ Fri Dec 24, 2010 2:39 am ]
Post subject:  CC + RPG Elements?

Would it be possible to use Lua to add an rpg-ish touch to CC? I've had a couple ideas regarding this, and I'd like to share them. This would probably require the system to be thoroughly entwined with the entire mod. It would be kinda buggy and would probably change every instance of the affected gun/actors, unless I'm missing something. Here's my line of thinking.

1. Add a global variable for each actor, representing their "EXP"
2. Somehow set the actor/gun/bullet to add EXP for each kill said actor makes.
3. Set checkpoints in the EXP as "Level ups" to modify various stats of the gun's and actor's stats. (bullet mass/vel, actor health/impulse gib limit/wound limit, etc. etc.)

Please share any ideas on the subject.

Author:  blargiefarg [ Fri Dec 24, 2010 2:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CC + RPG Elements?

Hmmm, I'll run another search, thanks for the info.

EDIT: I'll probably make a mod semi semi based on this for personal use, but if someone else wants it they can pm me.

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