Data Realms Fan Forums

local lists? *Solved
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Author:  CaveCricket48 [ Sun Dec 27, 2009 3:19 pm ]
Post subject:  local lists? *Solved

Sooooo, how do you make a list local, and then interact with it (adding, removing, recalling variables) locally?

Edit: Also, how do you get the number of items in a specified list?

Author:  Grif [ Mon Dec 28, 2009 12:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: local lists?

local list = {}
local count = #list

in order

Author:  CaveCricket48 [ Mon Dec 28, 2009 12:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: local lists?

I'm having some trouble recalling variables; the console says that flylistb is nil.

The list stuff I have:

local flylistb = {}; -- Creating the list
flylistb.insert(flylistb,self.startingpos) -- Adding a variable (self.startingpos is a Vector)
flylistb[self.linecounter] -- Recalling a variable (self.linecounter is a number value)

EDIT: Also, how do you get the list number of an item in a list?

Scratch that, fixed. Thanks Grif.

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