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Referring to an instance.... error
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Author:  nanobreaker6 [ Fri Sep 04, 2009 10:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Referring to an instance.... error

So i am trying to learn how to code in LUA and i went on the CC wiki site for tutorials and followed some instructions and i just get an error message saying

"Referring to an instance ('Magazine Dummy Pistol') to copy from thats hasn't been defined! in Mod.rte/SMG.ini at line 51!"

So i opened up SMG.ini and went over to line 51
(the line that says CopyOf is line 51 just thought i'd include the previous one)

 Magazine = Magazine
      CopyOf = Magazine Dummy Pistol

what do i do?

Author:  Mind [ Sat Sep 05, 2009 2:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Referring to an instance.... error

Hey just to save you from some unkind flaming, this here is .ini coding, or the coding that is the base of cc. Lua is the scripting language of cc where all the fancy stuff comes from ;)

As for your problem I'd try something more like

AddAmmo = Magazine
*tab*CopyOf = Magazine Dummy Pistol

If you're having problems with this type of coding in the future, try and stick it in mod making instead of lua scripting ;)

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