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Author:  Mind [ Sat May 23, 2009 4:18 am ]
Post subject:  Timer

Alright, i can't seem to get this no matter what i do. I want to create a timer in a script that lasts for a certain amount of time. Basically, i want an effect that lasts for a certain amount of time then goes away. I've tried a couple things with daman's help, but havent been able to get it to work. Any help?

Thanks :)

Author:  mail2345 [ Sat May 23, 2009 4:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Timer

Have a timer set the Lifetime to 2?

Author:  Mind [ Sat May 23, 2009 5:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Timer

mail2345 wrote:
Have a timer set the Lifetime to 2?

So put timer.lifetime = 2?

Author:  Grif [ Sat May 23, 2009 6:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Timer

Timers don't have lifetime holy ♥♥♥♥.

You can't destroy a timer to the best of my knowledge (admittedly lacking) but you can just ignore it if it's past a certain time. The CPU load from a single timer is going to be virtually nil.

Author:  mail2345 [ Sat May 23, 2009 7:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Timer

No, set the effect's lifetime to 2.

You don't need to destroy the timer.

Author:  TheLastBanana [ Sat May 23, 2009 7:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Timer

Why has everybody decided that 2 is the magic number?
The Lifetime is how many frames until the object should be removed. If you set it to 2, it's likely to cause a delay.
Setting it to 1 is effectively saying "remove next frame".

Author:  mail2345 [ Sat May 23, 2009 8:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Timer

I thought that there was a glitch where lifetime = 1 didn't kill the particle.

That might not be this build.

Author:  Geti [ Sat May 23, 2009 9:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Timer

function Create(self)
   self.sometimer = Timer()

function Update(self)
   if self.sometimer:IsPastSimMS(ANUMBERHERETHATYOUWANTTOUSE) then
      ♥♥♥♥ TO DO HERE, PROBABLY MovableMan:RemoveMO(self) OR self:GibThis()

function Destroy(self)
what is hard about this?

Author:  numgun [ Sat May 23, 2009 10:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Timer

mail2345 wrote:
I thought that there was a glitch where lifetime = 1 didn't kill the particle.

That might not be this build.

I'm kinda being paranoid here and I always try to set my particles to 2.

Author:  TheLastBanana [ Sat May 23, 2009 7:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Timer

Lifetime = 0 won't kill the particle, as the game sees it as no Lifetime. Setting it to 1 is the way to go, usually.

Author:  Grif [ Sun May 24, 2009 3:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Timer

Lifetime = 0 is purposefully infinite lifetime.

Look in ancient .inis, the ones where there's comments rather than variable names.

Author:  Mind [ Sun May 24, 2009 9:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Timer

Geti wrote:
function Create(self)
   self.sometimer = Timer()

function Update(self)
   if self.sometimer:IsPastSimMS(ANUMBERHERETHATYOUWANTTOUSE) then
      crap TO DO HERE, PROBABLY MovableMan:RemoveMO(self) OR self:GibThis()

function Destroy(self)
what is hard about this?

Wow, thanks geti. The only thing i didnt have that you have is the destroy self function...thats why it didn't work. Appreciate it! :)

Author:  Grif [ Mon May 25, 2009 6:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Timer


function destroy self

will do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. It's empty! Useless! Entirely unecessary and actually bad syntax. Guaranteed that wasn't your problem.

Author:  Lord Tim [ Mon May 25, 2009 7:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Timer

I haven't tried, but leaving out the Destory(self) could infact break it. These aren't real lua scripts. They're parsed by Data's C++ code, and the functions are added to the C++ objects. If it doesn't find one of the functions that it is expecting, that could break it.

Author:  mail2345 [ Mon May 25, 2009 8:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Timer

It will just use the default function.

I would leave it out.

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