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Multitude of Errors
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Author:  Aspect [ Fri Nov 28, 2008 9:11 am ]
Post subject:  Multitude of Errors

I'm not a coder. I can read it somewhat, but ask me to write it from scratch and I won't do diddly. So I got to editing the klone soccer lua thing. When I try to start it up it fails in like 6 different ways.

SYSTEM: Scene "Murder Cavern" was loaded
ERROR: Could not find the requested Scene Area named: LZ Team 1
ERROR: Could not find the requested Scene Area named: Landing Zone
ERROR: Could not find the requested Scene Area named: LZ Team 2
ERROR: Could not find the requested Scene Area named: Landing Zone
ERROR: [string "2MurderCavern = ToGameActivity(ActivityMan:GetActivity());"]:1: malformed number near '2MurderCavern'
ERROR: Activity "Murder Cavern" was NOT started due to errors!
ERROR: [string "if 2MurderCavern.PauseActivity then 2MurderCavern:PauseActivity..."]:1: malformed number near '2MurderCavern'
SYSTEM: Activity "Murder Cavern" was paused

ok. So I think It's a problem with the naming, but I'm really confused because I have no clue what a malformed number is, and I don't request any of those scene areas. The non-working mod is attached if you feel compelled to fix it.

and btw, thank you data for the console dump, typing all that out would be an effing pain

Author:  Lord Tim [ Fri Nov 28, 2008 8:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Multitude of Errors

You can't name variables something starting with a number. It's an obscure rule, but it'll still cause errors.

Change "2MurderCavern" to "MurderCavern2" or something.

Author:  TheLastBanana [ Fri Nov 28, 2008 9:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Multitude of Errors

Also, the first 4 errors referencing the LZ/Landing Zones are simply because the map doesn't have those zones. It's where the enemies drop down, but if you don't want them, they aren't fatal errors, so don't worry about it.

Author:  Aspect [ Fri Nov 28, 2008 11:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Multitude of Errors

oh, ok
thanks you guys.

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