Grif wrote:
Depending on what you want, probably?
Instead of all the complicated ♥♥♥♥ with multiple proximity checks and all that BS, i'm gonna make one proximity check on the sensor (Checking for enemy actors, and if they are found, it would set 'Trigger' to 1), and then a 'if Trigger == 1 then blah blah blah end else blah blah end' on each of the 4 laser emitters.
And i'll copypasta them 'global lists' and change some stuff to see if it works.
I'm not sure how exactly them lists work but I guess i'll be needing this on the sensor (But with different names and all)
function Create(self)
if teleporterlista == nil then
teleporterlista = {};
if cantele == nil then
cantele = {};
And this on each of the lasers (Again, with different names)
teleporterlista[#teleporterlista + 1] = self;
self.listnum = #teleporterlista;
Am I correct?
Anyway, i'm gonna try coding it, if I somewhat succeseed, i'll bump the other topic if I need anything else... Or if I fail.
The trail case is closed, i'll add a 'self.' to the global variables and see how that works out.
Maybe with enough ♥♥♥♥ around i'll actually get the results i'm after.
Just tell me what to change to decrease distance between created particles (I need something like 5px between every particle)