Re: Quick Console Commands
Sorry for severely nercroing this thread, but this thread is awesome! I just had to make my own contribution, (hopefully that will excuse my nercro...) and here it is:
for actor in MovableMan.Actors do if actor.Team == 1 then local rocket = CreateACRocket("Rocket MK1") rocket.Pos = Vector(actor.Pos.X,actor.Pos.Y-300) rocket.Vel = Vector(0,50) rocket.RotAngle = 3.1416 MovableMan:AddActor(rocket) end end
Rain death on your opponents with this handy code! It sends missiles racing down at high speed upon every player on the other team. I survived the dummy invasion campaign without firing a single shot with it!
PS: If you ever need to use it multiple times, press up on the keyboard to show your last used command. Press it twice to see the command before that, etc.