Problem with laser burniness
Okay, so I tried making the SET Dual Incinerator laser to not shoot off the Apis' hand; So I tried making its HitsMOs = 0 via Lua. But then hijinks ensue and I ended up with a laser that incinerate actors and rapes terrain... But here's the problem: sometimes the Lua script throws an Error: operator not defined.
How do I fix this?
Here's the things I changed in Laser.ini:
AddEffect = MOPixel
PresetName = Laser Cannon Particle
Mass = 0.1
GlobalAccScalar = 0
RestThreshold = -100
LifeTime = 1000
Sharpness = 6
HitsMOs = 0
GetsHitByMOs = 0
ScriptPath = SET.rte/Weapons/NoHit.lua
Color = Color
R = 200
G = 200
B = 255
Atom = Atom
Material = Material
CopyOf = Bullet Metal
TrailColor = Color
R = 200
G = 200
B = 255
TrailLength = 10000
ScreenEffect = ContentFile
FilePath = SET.rte/FX/YellowSmall.bmp
EffectStartTime = 0
EffectStopTime = 700
EffectStartStrength = 1.0
EffectStopStrength = 0.0
EffectAlwaysShows = 1
and attached is the .lua in a .rar. It also sometimes backfires on the firer, and this is not wanted.