But what if I want it animating? Forgot to mention that.
And I've already made it a MOSRotating. I figured it would have to be for the whole Lua thing to work.
In my .RAR:1] The screen and lit content image.
2] The .ini with the screen as a MOSRotating and the lighted up content as an AEmitter coded.
3] The Lua script that isn't currently working.
The Lua Script:Code:
--Reading the console
if MovableMan:IsParticle(self.litscreen) == false then
self.litscreen = CreateAEmitter("Lit Screen");
self.litscreen.Pos = Vector(1104,612);
It looks a little light but I don't know enough about Lua to figure out what I'm missing.
Basically I'm just trying to make it so that I get the little animation from the Doainar mission's screen to appear on my screen. Variations can be made later after I figure out how to do it and so I can practise it.