Data Realms Fan Forums

RocketA problems
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Author:  GunmanRex [ Tue May 07, 2013 9:15 pm ]
Post subject:  RocketA problems

I have been playing for a long while, but suddenly the game refused to load RocketA sprite in the coalition folder. I can't remove it form the folder or it says it couldn't find it. I really want to get back to playing the game but this is really messing with my game plans. :???:
Yes, I have tried to FAQ that is similar, still didn't work.

Author:  Notsoscary [ Wed May 08, 2013 6:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RocketA problems

RocketA in the Coalition Folder?
Does it mean the Rocket Launchers one?
Try to disable the rocket launcher by going into the Coalition File, Devices and then on Devices.ini. Search for ROcket Launcher and replace the line with-
//IncludeFile = Coalition.rte/Devices/Weapons/RPG.ini

If it still doesnt work, then wait for more help or just re-install CC.

Author:  GunmanRex [ Wed May 08, 2013 8:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RocketA problems

Notsoscary wrote:
RocketA in the Coalition Folder?
Does it mean the Rocket Launchers one?
Try to disable the rocket launcher by going into the Coalition File, Devices and then on Devices.ini. Search for ROcket Launcher and replace the line with-
//IncludeFile = Coalition.rte/Devices/Weapons/RPG.ini

If it still doesnt work, then wait for more help or just re-install CC.

I tried that but is still says:
Failed to load datafile object with following path and name:


Redownloading does work, I seem to have deducted what is going on. I recently downloaded several mods containing .rar The mods are Crobotech (which creates another problem of Teleport.wav), S.A.W, Maximum Dude corp, Banana Federation, and Untitled tech. I'll run through those and use them one at a time, see which one causes the problem.

Author:  Notsoscary [ Thu May 09, 2013 7:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RocketA problems

GunmanRex wrote:

What version are you using? I dont see any /RPGs in my Coalition Folder.

Author:  GunmanRex [ Fri May 10, 2013 1:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RocketA problems

Notsoscary wrote:
GunmanRex wrote:

What version are you using? I dont see any /RPGs in my Coalition Folder.

I couldn't find it either, but the good thing is that now the game is working well, other then every time I get on it crashes twice then works perfectly again.

Author:  uberhen [ Fri May 10, 2013 2:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RocketA problems

The next time you get the error, go to your CC folder (where the .rtes are located) and open "abortscreen.bmp." Look at the right pane, that should help you narrow down which mod is causing the trouble, and which .ini file the bad path is located in. When you're able to find it, replace the bad path with this:

That should fix your problem.

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