Data Realms Fan Forums

[MAC] How to access Settings.ini
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Author:  RyuuAinaki [ Mon Oct 08, 2012 5:19 am ]
Post subject:  [MAC] How to access Settings.ini

Most solutions to Cortex Command problems I find is to access the settings.ini file. However, I, a Mac user, am having extreme difficulty finding mine. I unlock all hidden files/folders, I go through all the CC related folders I can find, and the only thing I found was the game.exe itself. I'm stuck in 2x Window mode, can't use fullscreen mode, and because of the two, I can't even play the game because I can't see the whole screen.

Please, to a new Mac user, explain to me how to find settings.ini - If such a post has been up on the forum, I cannot find it.

Author:  Eolan [ Wed Oct 10, 2012 10:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [MAC] How to access Settings.ini

If you go to the application command cortex and right click, select open package contents and go to contents youll find it.

If you do a search on contents (not "this mac" actually select the folder and search it) for settings.ini it will show up.

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