Data Realms Fan Forums

Old time buyer having trouble with new licensing
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Author:  Sticks223 [ Mon Oct 01, 2012 4:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Old time buyer having trouble with new licensing

I gave up on this game a couple years ago when progress slowed to a grinding halt, but noticed it was just released on steam so I came back to redeem my code for a steam key. Problem is I don't have an account or anything that came with the code back then, and the old email I used to buy it has long since gone out of service. I'm pretty sure I still have the code though, but I don't know any way to actually get the game using it anymore. Giving me a support email I can contact or showing me how to create the account used to access the game download would be appreciated.

Author:  Natti [ Mon Oct 01, 2012 7:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Old time buyer having trouble with new licensing

Contact scancode, the DRL licensing magician.

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