Data Realms Fan Forums

Extreme lag issues
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Author:  Padr1no [ Fri Sep 28, 2012 11:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Extreme lag issues

Hey there datarealms, i actually played the alpha version waaaay back, almost forgot about the game over the years, then saw it on steam and had to buy it! :)

I'm loving it but as i played the scenario after the basic tutorial where there's a zombie spawner, i experienced the game getting laggier and laggier as enemies spawned. Now the machine i'm running has 16 gb of ram and a six-core processor @ 3.31 ghz... why am i still experiencing so much lag? It makes it almost unplayable. Is there a way to dedicate more ram to the game or something?

Any help would be welcomed graciously. Thanks guys and it's good to be back!

Author:  Duh102 [ Fri Sep 28, 2012 11:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Extreme lag issues

The best I can offer is to check out this thread for tips. Other than that, Cortex just likes or dislikes some CPUs and there's little to be done for it right now (Data may be able to help more with that if he ever looks into this bug). For instance, I've heard reports that some AMD CPUs with the same stats as equivalent Intel CPUs are far laggier for no discernable reason. CC especially loves the i series of CPUs for some reason.

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