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OS X Screen Bug
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Author:  Workin [ Tue Sep 25, 2012 3:44 am ]
Post subject:  OS X Screen Bug

Whenever Cortex Command is opened, it is only visible in the upper left quarter of the screen. The cursor on the visible screen still maps to the whole window. I am running OS version 10.7.5, Cortex build 27.
As some other people have reported, it also crashes upon entering fullscreen.
I've tried a fresh install, deleting the settings.ini, and fiddling with the resolution of the visible screen, to no avail.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

1.0 has fixed the screen bug while windowed, but the fullscreen mode still crashes instantly.

Author:  Eolan [ Tue Sep 25, 2012 5:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OS X Screen Bug

As far as i know fullscreen is just broken generally for osx. Ive spent hours on these forums today trying to find help, and i came across a thread suggesting some kind of update in osx has rendered the build obsolete.

As a fellow mac user (same os same build) have you any advice/help regarding a dead cursor on macosx? I posted my own thread but it disappeared and is "pending review" meaning most probably gently being ignored.

I can't seem to find any support on this site or on the web, but its making me use the keyboard to move the cursor around and then not letting me "click" on any tabs like settings or campaign etc.

Weirdly i can press the spacebar to skip the intro but after that its dead except for the arrow keys.

Its driving me crazy because i just bought into the alpha thinking it was a reasonably stable build (i'd read a preview on the escapist saying its coming out this week lol) but i was wrong at least on the mac end. Im very disappointed and i had a day off today which was wasted trawling support forums :( boo hoo poor me!

Author:  Workin [ Wed Sep 26, 2012 4:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OS X Screen Bug

Fullscreen has generally always had more bugs in it, even on the Windows side, but I agree, it looks to be totally non-functional on OS X. I haven't encountered any dead cursor issues, as mine still registers in windowed view. It maps to the visible screen kind of funny, but it still functions. A few days of fruitless searching led me to post this here, but so far, no luck. Which is a bummer, because I really enjoyed this game back on my desktop PC, and wanted to play it on the go.

1.0 has fixed the screen bug while windowed, but the fullscreen mode still crashes instantly.

Author:  mantrakid [ Mon Oct 08, 2012 6:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OS X Screen Bug

So this is now out on Steam, ie being widely distributed and promoted, and there's a feature right off the opening UI screen that crashes the game instantly on OSX.... I hate being dramatic, but this was $20 yo.... i have a big monitor, and playing this tiny and windowed in the middle of the screen is mega wack. Add me to the—likely quickly growing—list of peeps with this issue.. Full screen on OSX is crucial..

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