Data Realms Fan Forums

Interesting Loading Issue
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Author:  MavericK [ Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Interesting Loading Issue

So, I installed B27 on my main PC, running a good quad-core processor and 2 SSDs in RAID 0, and the load times seemed...well, not good. Takes something like 30-45 seconds to load, yet I remember in the past on a normal HDD it only took like 15 or so.

Today, I install the build on my work laptop, just to see if it would run. It's an older dual-core with an older Radeon chipset and a normal HDD, and...what? The game loads in like 15 seconds.

I thought it might be a performance issue due to RAID on SSD with no TRIM, but all my other games load super-fast on the SSDs still, so it's not that. Any idea what causes CC to take longer on my faster, more capable machine?

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