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How Can I make CC run better?
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Author:  lordbok [ Thu Jun 07, 2012 2:47 pm ]
Post subject:  How Can I make CC run better?

Hello, I recently started playing CC and I have noticed that once the battles start heating up its starts to slow down a bit. I did the Ctrl+P and it was running at like 110+ FPS but when the battles start they are at 1.00 time scale but then it just gets lower and lower without getting back to 1.00.

I have tried changing some of the settings in the Base folder like someone suggested but they didn't make much of a difference, I also changed the RealtoSim and that helped a bit but not to much, Basically I want to be able to play the game with big explosions, a bunch of actors etc without the time scale slowing down.

My Specs are;
Win7 Proff x64
16gb 1600ghz RAM
3GB GTX 580 gfx
core i7 duel core 3.66 ghz

So would I be able to increase the amount of resources that CC can use to increase performance it is also located in my C drive NOT my program files. I also have some content mods on but not to many.

Author:  Zuriki [ Sat Jun 09, 2012 4:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How Can I make CC run better?

I don't think there's much you can do other than get something like a 5GHz CPU. (Don't believe CC is multi-threaded, so faster per core is better than more cores)

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