Data Realms Fan Forums

Change old email and get new password
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Author:  Auzarion [ Sat May 26, 2012 6:58 am ]
Post subject:  Change old email and get new password

Hello everyone that sees this post. :shock:

I need to change my old email to my new email

I can no longer access this email cause hotmail was compromised.

I have all the transaction details available to prove my purchase. My emails and passwords.

I cannot log in to the Data Realms licensing for updates because I remembered that I got a new password that is a random number of letters and numbers. That email is in my old email that I cant get into anymore...

I cannot also contact scancode or any other moderators for licensing for some reason with they're emails.

I need help and would love to play the updated version.

I currently have build 24 but I think its in need of upgrading?

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