Data Realms Fan Forums

Instance hasn't been defined ( Trilcon Empire )
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Author:  Tired Glutton [ Mon Apr 30, 2012 5:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Instance hasn't been defined ( Trilcon Empire )

Hiya, I get this error so I looked at the .ini but I couldn't see anything that mentioned the cluster grenade that hadn't been defined, there was hflip that was set to 0 but that's defined, isn't it? I don't really know much of modding CC

Author:  weegee [ Tue May 08, 2012 7:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Instance hasn't been defined ( Trilcon Empire )

You should ask Mehman to update his Triclon mod to B26. Or just make needed changes yourself. Cluster Grenade was removed in B26 so you need to change all references to ordinary grenade or something.

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