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Abortion in System/Reader.cpp on fresh install (linux)
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Author:  Fatal Exception [ Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Abortion in System/Reader.cpp on fresh install (linux)

I purchased Cortex Command through the Humble Indie Bundle 3, but never got it to work. When I run the game, my screen turns black (It takes a while to switch resolutions, so that might not be relevant...), and when it returns, I am given the following message in an xmessage window:
Abortion in file ../System/Reader.cpp, line 534, because:

Could not understand Preset type! in Base.rte/Icons.ini at line 4!

The last frame has been dumped to 'abortscreen.bmp'

I have tried three clean installs, one in /usr/local/bin/games/CortexCommand, and two in /home/chris/CortexCommand.

Icons.ini is unmodified, but looks like this:
1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Pie Menu Icons
4 AddIcon = Icon
5 PresetName = Blank
6 FrameCount = 3
7 BitmapFile = ContentFile
8 FilePath = Base.rte/GUIs/PieIcons/Blank.bmp
9 AddToGroup = Pie Icons
(line numbers added, not part of file)

Attached is "abortscreen.bmp".

abortscreen.bmp [ 900.05 KiB | Viewed 2771 times ]

Author:  Sallen [ Fri Mar 02, 2012 1:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Abortion in System/Reader.cpp on fresh install (linux)

My Icons.ini reads exactly the same. Are the tabs as they are supposed to be?

AddIcon = Icon
   PresetName = Blank
   FrameCount = 3
   BitmapFile = ContentFile
      FilePath = Base.rte/GUIs/PieIcons/Blank.bmp
   AddToGroup = Pie Icons

Maybe line endings went wrong? You know, having \r\n instead of \n. I don't know if the Linux version of CC is prone to that kind of problem, but worth checking.

As far as I know, the resolution taking long to change is indeed irrelevant.

Author:  Duh102 [ Fri Mar 02, 2012 8:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Abortion in System/Reader.cpp on fresh install (linux)

A quick quip to at least get you playing, other linux users have expressed having far more luck using Cortex through Wine than running it natively. If you simply want to get the game running, you might want to try that route.

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