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Very weird start-up and the game never works...
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Author:  djw11544 [ Sun Jan 29, 2012 5:33 am ]
Post subject:  Very weird start-up and the game never works...

I have never messed with any of the options and the game is really small windowed and all pink...


Anyway, it always starts up like this, and the game runs because I can hear the intro music. AS I said, the only options I messed with is sound... I uninstalled and re-installed too. And even deleted the settings file in Base.rte so it would restore itself just in case... Nadda. May I please get help?

Additional Note: Going into Full-Screen seems to let me play, it is a nuisance. But I still prefer to play in windowed mode...

Author:  Mongoska [ Sun Jan 29, 2012 10:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Very weird start-up and the game never works...

Pink is supposed to turn invisible within Cortex Command!
I think it's quite possible you've got something wrong with your graphics settings - I don't know much at all about this sort of thing, but my immediate reaction would be to ask myself if I'd updated my graphics driver lately.

After that, I'd think "There's something to do with transparency in DirectDraw settings, right? I wonder if I've got somee setting turned off? Does Cortex Command need DirectX (a quick search tells me that it's probable that, in fact, you need the latest drivers for DirectX to run the game)?" and if this thinking leads nowhere I'd delete pink.


Goodbye, Pinkie Pie.

Anyway, try updating DirectX to the latest version and maybe updating your graphics drivers. Frankly, my instinct tells me that the graphics driver is less important. Some settings in DXDiag might need changing. Hope you can fix this!

Author:  Arcalane [ Sun Jan 29, 2012 12:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Very weird start-up and the game never works...

Before you go haring off doing anything quite that daft, I'd recommend checking the Settings.ini and changing ResolutionX and ResolutionY to new values manually, since it's loading at an odd resolution. It may simply be that the resolution it's trying to run in is something weird that the engine can't handle.

Other than that, check your display settings (make sure you're not running at some bizarre and obscure colour depth, though that doesn't seem to be the case from the snapshot) then update the appropriate drivers.

Ed: ...also, dxdiag doesn't have any settings controls, it merely displays your current graphical/audio/input hardware and driver information. :roll:

Author:  Mongoska [ Sun Jan 29, 2012 3:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Very weird start-up and the game never works...

dxdiag doesn't have any settings controls

Maybe your DXDiag manifests itself differently to mine? Or maybe you didn't notice the settings - mine, at least, enables me to disable/enable various DirectX Features, like Hardware Acceleration. In fact, I had a similar-seeming problem in Baldur's Gate a while back which was fixed by that method - that's why I mentioned it, because I'd definitely try that first if it was me.

But hey, I only know bits and bobs about this sort of thing. I think changing the resolution is a good idea.

Author:  djw11544 [ Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Very weird start-up and the game never works...

You two quite obviously didn't read my post hard enough and guessed... Also, @Mongoska, my Graphics Driver is updated, that is for sure. None of my graphics settings has been changed, I have uninstalled and reinstalled. And deleted the settings.ini in the base.rte which on next start up reset it... So yeah, your two posts didn't help at all, but thanks. And you didn't see my additional note on the Fullscreen thing did you?

Author:  Mongoska [ Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Very weird start-up and the game never works...

I entirely understand that you didn't change anything that can have caused this problem - you made that very clear in your post!

I think you're misunderstanding - we're suggesting that you DO change stuff in order to make it compatible. For example changing the windowed resolution in the settings.ini, not that you have already changed it!
Some computers don't respond well to Cortex Command, so something probably needs changing if you want to run it in a window.

Read our posts properly - we both read yours! I can see why at a glance it might appear that we didn't, since my reply to Arcalane might look like a reply to you.

Author:  Arcalane [ Mon Jan 30, 2012 2:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Very weird start-up and the game never works...

I read the whole thing, but quite frankly guessing is all I can do at this point, since I have no knowledge of your hardware, drivers, desktop resolution, and I've never, ever seen anything like this before.

Anyway, my reasoning was that if Cortex Command was attempting to launch in a resolution it could not support without running fullscreen, the simplest fix would be to manually change the resolution in the files if that is indeed the case. It'd take all of five seconds to open the Settings.ini and check whether or not it's being launched at an odd resolution.

Couldn't tell you why it'd be trying to do that, mind.

Author:  djw11544 [ Wed Feb 01, 2012 12:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Very weird start-up and the game never works...

Thanks for trying to help... But I fixed it so nevermind ^_^

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