Data Realms Fan Forums

Scene Editor Crash Cortex Command
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Author:  kdorval14 [ Sat Dec 24, 2011 7:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Scene Editor Crash Cortex Command

Hi everyone.
I Just Uptaded my CC Version to B26 and for about a week or so, every time i use the Scene Editor, my game just crash writting: Cortex Command.exe a rencontré un problème et doit fermer. Nous vous prions de nous excuser pour le désagrément encouru.

i've read about approximatly 10 Topic about it and nothing work.
I'm on XP and my PC pratically never lag.
Yeah sorry i play in french x)
so i just wanna know if there's any solution for my problem? thanks in advance :P

Author:  Sallen [ Fri Mar 02, 2012 1:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Scene Editor Crash Cortex Command

Does the game crash when saving or when you try to "Test scene"?

Testing scenes is broken in this build. You can't test them unless you save them and start a new game (you will need to define a proper Activity and all that so that it appears in the Scenario battle screen, see here), but if that's not your problem then maybe this can help you:

See last post by helifreak. Make sure you have a proper directory structure with the pertinent .ini files in the module you are trying to save to. Or save to Base.rte.

But again, if the crash happens when you try to "Test scene", that's normal.

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